I was told to sign up for SS Disability by my attorney. I started the paperwork and I have ran into a wall. I can't get any of the doctors to write a letter. Is anyone getting disability? If so, how did you get your letter? I had to withdraw for school in January. I should be doing my intern now. I was diagnosed in March with TN and was being treated my oral surgeon who refused to refer me to a neurologists. Finally got an appointment with neurologists on 7/11/14 and he diagnosed me with TN and changed my meds. Dose SS really think I can work with facial pulls, zaps, constant pain, unable to carry a conversation, hearing loss in left ear? I'm a single mom and my savings have been exhausted from paying out dental/medical in excess of 10,000.00 since July 2013. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Why wont neuro write a letter???
its the first step!
Yes there are those who got disability… Usually the hard part is waiting the process out, but will get back dated $$$
once you are filed i think.
My husband had a similar situation. He couldn't work and when we approached the doctor about the possibility of going on disability, he dismissed it immediately, saying something to the effect, that TN was a short term pain disorder and that it would need to be over a year ...some such cockamamie, I couldn't understand. Here you are in pain, trying to keep your head above water and they know you are afflicted and they, the doctors, don't want to put themselves out. I honestly think most doctors are dissuaded from filling out the paperwork and try to intimidate the patients from making the request.
You have to document everything and put another request of your doctor in writing too. If this doesn't produce an affirmative response from him, you'll need to see a disability attorney. No, my husband never got the disability and we moved to another state. Now, he's in pain almost 24/7 and works through the blinding pain in a high profile stressful position at work and NOBODY knows about it there.
I’m currently waiting for an answer back from disability. There is a group in the group section with some good links on filing for SS. I will warn you the waiting and filing period is long. Mine was filed back in November of last year and the last of my paper work was done in May. You don’t have to have your doctor write a letter but it does help to have at lest one doctor stand behind you and have your back. What is crippling is no income coming in during this time. Some states do offer some assistance for those who have filed for SS I believe but you will have to look your state. We have drained out saving out while waiting for an answer from SS. Make sure you get everything documented, write down all issues you have with working, with self care, and any new diagnosis you have. I hope this helps you even just a little bit, and best of luck with filing for SS.