So I went to the neuro today for my first visit where he backed up and confirmed my diagnosis of bilateral type II TN and he really felt trileptol would be a good medication for me I have heard of this medication only cause my it was given to my 11 yr old daughter with no success to treat mood disorder. Has anyone here taken it and had any luck? On a side note my neuro was awesome he really seemed to understand what I was going through and made very sure I understood he was available anytime day or night if the pain got to bad so that was really great considering my other doctor!
Hi there. I was switched to trileptal about a month ago after my lyrica suddenly stopped working. It seems to have helped some but I still have considerable pain. My neuro doubled my dose and then trippled it but I had a reaction to it, so I went back to my double dosage. The lyrica worked great for me but I was on it for over a year. I’ve read it’s very common for the meds to lose their effectiveness. Tegretol also worked great but I was extremely allergic to it. Gabapentin did nothing for me. I would say try the trileptal and see how it goes. My neuro won’t switch my meds for at least a few months because he wants the meds to get built up in my system since most of them take awhile to kick in. Good luck! It’s great you found a good doctor, they are hard to come by.
I've been on Trileptal for over 2 years and it works nearly perfectly for me. I'm up to 900mg twice a day. I was at 600 twice a day for ages but then the pain ramped up. I expect it will settle back down where I can get back to 600mg twice a day again.
I say give it a shot. It's been wonderful for me. Also agree - it takes a bit for the levels to get settled in your system.