Alternative medicine?

My sister goes to a therapist for massages and whatever. It appears that they have been discussing if Reike would help my TN pain. The therapist had told her that they have have success with this, on numeous patients, where it has actually stopped the pain. My aunt is a believer in chiropractors and acupuncture.
However - I am a skeptic.
Has anyone actually had luck with any of these things?

Im just speaking from my experience after I got my tn and was still in denial I sought out a chiropractor first because I didn't want to be on pills....and I had insurance at the time because I thought I was possibly going to be able to go back to work...I did four months of it snap and pop kind they would twist my neck around It did help relieve my migranish headaches but didn't cure me in any way It also did help me get out of the house and get out of bed when I was beyond dpressed. Again I had insurance so it was like 10 dollars a visit. I decided to try the atlas orthogonal because I had read about this and some positive stuff so I did about 4 sessions of that ...with insurance it was 80-100 dollars per visit... and again didn't do much. I had to quit. I did try acupuncture twice and as someone on here so nicely pointed out on here that two visits isn't enough to go on. It didn't help me in MY experience. Im in no way saying that any of this for you couldn't work and if you have insurance to back it up to try it go for it! I will put it as my neurosurgeon said to me when I told him I was trying these things "I also have a bunch of magic beans to sell you" I am currently now on nortriptyline 75 mg a day which has been my saving grace.

My surgeon says only NUCCA certified cervical work for TN…google NUCCA get a. Consultation…LNG shot, may be some relief temporarily… Many get temporary relief from alternatives…some not safe, some things make stuff worse. Read. STRIKING BACK BY DR KEN CASEY…many treatment options.

I went to reiki session, and got relief once for 3 weeks, one Time for a week. Was not expensive. I went to her last , the week before I had MVD surgery, because my anxiety was soooo sky high! I had her come to our TN group and explain reiki .

It was the MVD surgery that took away the pain…2 nights in the hospital changed my life!

But another good alternative, made my life bearable…lidocaine face patches…dr called them in for me …up to 12 hours of pain relief.

I had reiki healing 3 times. I also tried acupuncture. The reiki was relaxing but did it help with the pain? Honestly, no. Acupuncture did seem to shift it very slightly for about half an hour afterwards, the ATN constant burning/throbbing seemed a little reduced. Our health insurance won't cover any kind of alternative treatments and it was just too expensive - they want you to go every week so one session wasn't enough to know if it could make a difference. The acupuncture made me very tense though - I didn't like the needles at all. I tried herbal supplements, homeopathic tablets and a flower remedy over a few months too. No improvement. Of course what works for one person may not work for another - this is just my own experience. I used to be a huge advocate of all that stuff. It wasn't until I had a desperate, real health crisis (which is why I've joined this site!) that I was very disappointed and significantly poorer after going down that road when I was trying to find pain relief.