Young Living Oils

A friend of mine thinks that these oils may give me some relief and be done with my Lyrica. Has anyone ever had any success with essential oils? She suggested I talk with a naturopathic dr first to find out what she thinks. Anyone ever travel this path with success or failure?

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

Hi shepardgirl,

I sometimes use peppermint or lavender oils for temporary relief when the dull aching pain in my jaw flares up. for me it only last for awhile.


Scott, how do you use the oil? I feel like every tooth on the right side of my face is infected.

sometimes I use it straight on the pain area of the jaw inside my mouth, sometimes I use it with 3% oil to 97% fractionated coconut oil as a carrier putting it from my temple down along my cheek to the bottom of the jaw.

Have either of you read about Frankincense & ? together to help pain? I jotted it down at the time but cannot locate my post it. I hesitate to even mention it because it sounds crazy but if it helps even one person it would be worth it. The source said it was like a natural morphine.

Hi shadow2,

Frankincense is one that is listed for nerves but I tried it and it did not do anything for me. Everyone is different so it might help you.


I’ve just recently tried Stress Away oil by Young Living Oils, I place it along my jaw line starting in front of my ear and down. I also wash my feet before bed and pkace a drop on the bottom of each foot.
I feel it has helped a wee bit. A good friend told me about it…it’s not a miracle cure but I have felt small relief , I’m always willing to try “safe” things like this, you just never know. Here’s a link she shared with me…

(( hugs )) Mimi
PS. Always check with your doctor prior to trying anything new…

interesting article Mimi. there is an article about the electrical frequencies of the body that the oils help get back on track. I don't know why they work but the can and everyone can react differently, I don't use the young living brand but another brand. I would recommend researching the oils. I also would recommend using the "high end" brands and not the cheaper one.

I agree Scott. Yes, everyone can react differently, and the oils are absorbed at different rates and high quality is most important. My doctor made me do a test spot for a few days prior to using the way I do now, to be sure I didn’t react negatively.
I see very minimal relief but I’ll take minimal any day, as every little bit of relief helps in the big picture of things.
I’d like to remind people to research and I do not endorse this product, just sharing my personal experience with this specific oil.

We are on the same page Mimi. I little relief is better than none

Essential oils pass the blood brain barrier and so can act on the central nervous system.

They are eliminated from the body fairly quickly, sometimes within an hour, so the effects will not last a long time.

If you’re buying them pure and mixing yourself be careful. They are very strong and a little goes a long way. And just because they are natural doesn’t mean they are harmless. Bergamot, for example, causes photosensitivity.

Th science of essential oil compounds is very complex. There is a lot of bogus “information” out there and wild claims. I don’t think there is a one size fits all formula either because we all have different chemistries ourselves.

I’m really skeptical of essential oils “curing” trigeminal neuralgia". But they can help make you feel better for short periods of time and that is more than worthwhile. There is a cumulative effect of feeling better moments:)


Thank you for the variety of ideas and opinions. The "one size fits all" is never on my radar!! Little relief even for short times is better than none or never :)

I have a bunch of research on TN & Essential Oils, as I have been looking into it for my dad (Scott). They will NOT "CURE" TN, and if someone says so, they are not understanding what the companies say themselves. EOs will affect people differently, just like medicines do. And if you take Warfarin, you need to really research before you try anything as it can mess with your medications.

People mentioned qualities of oils as well...if you have 5 places that are selling Lavender for $25, and one that sells it for $5, the cheaper is probably diluted or mixed with something you don't want. So a big price variation is a good indication of the quality. Young Life, Doterra, Mountain Rose Herb and Native American Nutritional are a few of the respected places to buy from. There are several more as well.

If you would like the links I have on the studies done and information on EO and TN, please send me a message and I will be happy to forward to you. You can browse through them and see what you think.