I just had a thought while I Googled "natural remedy for seizures". Since many of us with TN take anti-seizure meds, and they have such frustrating side effects, I wonder if the natural alternatives would do any good for TN. I certainly wouldn't suggest that anyone quit their prescriptions to try the natural meds, but has anyone ever tried the natural anti-seizure meds, or if you are not on the prescriptions, would you ever consider trying the natural alternatives?
There are many options, such as herbs, vitamins, bio-feedback, relaxation techniques, acupressure and acupuncture, various machines such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, light therapy and more. If you click on the blue words in the first line above, you can see how many alternatives there are. I'm considering studying and trying one at a time that seems the safest. Of course I'll check for interactions with my current meds.
I found it interesting to think there could be more alternatives for us, and I'm curious to know who would try them and who wouldn't.
I would be up for trying anything, have also looked into it, but scared to try! Let us know if you do and what results are....bad as somedays get I do have good days and so get scared to mess with things. On Gabapentin and use topical on real bad days. No insurance for now so surgery not an option, but always open to new ideas!
Shelia I have been to afraid to try. Now that there has been everything with the healthcare, I am damed if I do or if I don't. The lyrica is $1,000 a month and I have got to figure something else out. we already pay $1500 a mth healthcare for us and 6 kids. If we go on the federal health care, our two college kids get kicked off, the other four have to go on state aid, and dh and my health care goes up to a $12,500 out of pocket deductible, and none of our drs. will take the insurance and it will not cover my lyrica. I am following this closely :)
I've done a ketogenic diet before but not for TN. I just feel better and function better in ketosis. Considering how on/off TN can be, I'm not sure how to judge what works and what doesn't work to begin with.
Also, Lyrica is a very expensive sister drug to the cheaper anti-seizure drugs that most people with TN take. Trileptal is newer and has fewer side effects than tegretol and neurontin. I have heard people say that Lyrica has more side effects than the other sister drugs.
Acupuncture helped me, but I had the practitioner teach me how to do it on myself and he sent me home with some needles so I could do it anytime day or night. Acupressure still helps some, but on other days it makes it worse. I found articles about eating hot peppers to dissolve the substance P (pain sensation chemical) that builds up in your trigeminal nerve. I got the weakest peppers there are (pepperoncini) and ate it with yogurt to help the heat, and after a month, I went into remission for a year! I am not sure if the peppers caused it or if my body just created a spontaneous remission..
Interesting about the peppers, I know a lot say spicy makes them worse, but I have found spicy stuff actully seems to help...well, the best we can say what helps with crazy TN, sometimes hard to tell. But I love peppers, will have to look into that! Had a pretty good few weeks of remission, but it's back...
Very interesting about the peppers and substance P! I don't think I'll be trying that anytime soon, tho. How kind of your practitioner to teach you how to needle yourself. Again, I don't think I could do that either. I cannot even trim my dog's nails myself. Sheila W. said:
Acupuncture helped me, but I had the practitioner teach me how to do it on myself and he sent me home with some needles so I could do it anytime day or night. Acupressure still helps some, but on other days it makes it worse. I found articles about eating hot peppers to dissolve the substance P (pain sensation chemical) that builds up in your trigeminal nerve. I got the weakest peppers there are (pepperoncini) and ate it with yogurt to help the heat, and after a month, I went into remission for a year! I am not sure if the peppers caused it or if my body just created a spontaneous remission..
I haven't tried the Trileptal, but everything else I tried knocked me out all day. I did try to get monies paid for via the drug company never heard back from them. My dr said such a few people get helped then those who do only get a month or so paid for. Since we have insurance, they won't help. doesn't matter we have a high deductible to meet, we have insurance. It's a racket this insurance :( Thanks for trying with the info. I will look into the trileptal :)
Sheila W. said:
Shepherdgirl, maybe this will help with your Lyrica costs.
Also, Lyrica is a very expensive sister drug to the cheaper anti-seizure drugs that most people with TN take. Trileptal is newer and has fewer side effects than tegretol and neurontin. I have heard people say that Lyrica has more side effects than the other sister drugs.
Hi! Go to NeedyMeds.com click the “L” find Lyrica and read that then after that paragraph please click on "Manufacturer’s Coupon. This may help you for 12 months.
I used NeedyMeds for several medicines off and on for several years. No problems.
I will try to remember the other places I found help with medicines, if my medicines weren’t giving me such brain fog I’d give them to you now…Lol!
Thanks Jody for the info. Because we do have insurance, this doesn't help us. It doesn't matter that we have a high deductible for me it's $3500. Appreciate your info though :) It may help others though!
Wow SimpleLife, that's good info! I take the vit B complex and magnesium, and vit D helps me a lot. Yes, hot peppers have capsaicin, which is a painkiller.
Betsy Carlson, here's an article I posted about the hot peppers. http://www.livingwithtn.org/forum/topics/hot-peppers-might-help-tn-.... My TN just returned after 1 year remission, so I'm starting the daily hot pepper routine again. Then I'll know if my last remission was coincidental or if the hot peppers were the remedy. .There is more info in the comments of that discussion too.
Oregon has a program for people with high deductibles where the patient carries the health insurance premiums, but when a certain limit is reached will help with co-pays. I hear stories like yours, and wonder if other states do this. shepherdgirl said:
Thanks Jody for the info. Because we do have insurance, this doesn't help us. It doesn't matter that we have a high deductible for me it's $3500. Appreciate your info though :) It may help others though!
CA does not :( unfortunately! But we do offer driver's licenses to people not in this country legally! go figure that one!! Thanks though for that info because we are considering relocating, and Oregon is on the list, we have family there :) blessings~~
saraiderin said:
Oregon has a program for people with high deductibles where the patient carries the health insurance premiums, but when a certain limit is reached will help with co-pays. I hear stories like yours, and wonder if other states do this. shepherdgirl said:
Thanks Jody for the info. Because we do have insurance, this doesn't help us. It doesn't matter that we have a high deductible for me it's $3500. Appreciate your info though :) It may help others though!
I take a magnesium supplement that is helpful along with B vitamins, niacin, and folic acid. The pill form of the magnesium does not seem to work as well as the powder version called "Natural Calm" which I order through Amazon. My neurologist told me that they prescribe magnesium to pregnant women with seizure disorders that are normally on anti-convulsant meds they cannot take during pregnancy. I find that if I am religious with these supplements I feel much better. I came across this specific combination in the following book:
That may explain part of why when I take the magnesium faithfully for my heart that I have less issues with my TN. I never thought of the two correlating! I am going ot look at getting this book as it looks like a wealth of info! blessings~~
hope seeker said:
I take a magnesium supplement that is helpful along with B vitamins, niacin, and folic acid. The pill form of the magnesium does not seem to work as well as the powder version called "Natural Calm" which I order through Amazon. My neurologist told me that they prescribe magnesium to pregnant women with seizure disorders that are normally on anti-convulsant meds they cannot take during pregnancy. I find that if I am religious with these supplements I feel much better. I came across this specific combination in the following book: