Today drove 2 hours to see my folks. Took some Alive just for protection, and we went and visited and had lunch.. Felt a little pain, after the late lunch, so took a FIoracet, (which has always worked) and went back to their place to visit a little more. Dad pointed out his new tomato trees, and I looked out the window to see them and WHAM, major problems all at once. Felt really sick and my head was the worst its been in the last two weeks. I don't know if I accidenatly overlapped the two meds, or if it was the lime the shrimp was marinated in, but something really triggered me.
I am ready to go back to the doc and see if I can get a referal to the headache clinic the next town south, or WHOEVER he wants me to see. I am so disappointed, as I thought I had a handle on this. More Migraines than anything, but TN too. Whatever,, my TG nerve is out to lunch.
I am going to try sucking on some ice and see if I can freeze the center of my head, it can't hurt.
Sorting out a solution to chronic migraines is very difficult.
Over the years I have spent countless hours trying to work out what I have done that could be the cause of the problem. After 30 years of migraines I have decided that there are lots of factors that come into play and for the most part I don’t always have control.
I hope you are able to find something that works for you. The neuro that I see for my TN is working with me to reduce my daily headaches and frequent migraines. I am starting to make some headway but unfortunately it is a long ongoing process.
Please take care and I am sending you a gentle hug
Floracet is for migraines is it not? I take fiorinal with codeine for the ATN pain, but I cannot tolerate ALEVE, Aleve has a lot of sodium in it. I am wondering if between the shrimp (yummy) which is salty, the two meds and the heat that you didnt have a reaction.
I have a feeling it was the aleve and the floracet. If I take the fiorinal and motrin at the same time, i get shortness of breath. Its easy to overlap because you just want the pain to end or lose track of time. Please dont ever blame yourself.
I am thinking you are exactly right. The soreness and itchyness around my mouth, is a sign of allergy or reaction. The only pill I took after lunch was fioracet, Not doing that again.Ditching the alieve as well.
Doc did say though, that my whole immune system needs checking into.
Got into my doc this morning, and he said the same, Even though I hate it, I will take the Gabapinton like a good girl every night, and get to next mon.
I finally got a nurologist appointment. For the first. Should be interesting.
Resting today, to just give my body a chance to relax a bit. Hopefully tomorrow it will go away as it usually does.
Redbird, you don't have to do anything wrong! This is a progressive condition. I'm sorry you are in such a condition, but I imagine your parents will care for you until it goes away. Then, you can go on your way. I find TN to be unpredictable, but I know it will sneak in when I feel stress or smile too much. Bummer, because I was always a smiling person. Best wishes for getting overe this episode FAST! You did not do it!
Keep me posted....I have been telling doctors for 20 years that something was wrong!! I always had issues with pain in my legs and zero grip in my hands, they always said it was because I had Thyroid disease. It took an MVD surgery, carpal tunnel in both hands and my legs not bending for someone to believe me....if you feel there is something wrong, go with your gut!! I now have a diagnosis of an auto-immune disorder and a treatment plan that the Neurologist says gives me an excellent prognosis, so there is if only insurance would approve it sometime this year!! lol
redbird2448 said:
I am thinking you are exactly right. The soreness and itchyness around my mouth, is a sign of allergy or reaction. The only pill I took after lunch was fioracet, Not doing that again.Ditching the alieve as well.
Doc did say though, that my whole immune system needs checking into.
Got into my doc this morning, and he said the same, Even though I hate it, I will take the Gabapinton like a good girl every night, and get to next mon.
I finally got a nurologist appointment. For the first. Should be interesting.
Resting today, to just give my body a chance to relax a bit. Hopefully tomorrow it will go away as it usually does.
Driving literally hell on wheels for me too. Also anything acidic or salty. Some days I can get away with “it”, some days not. Sometimes the triggers are immediate, sometimes delayed. Sometimes it’s that one more little thing that trips the TN wire. I’m always keeping a mental tally but I also don’t always listen to myself…