Withdrawal while getting off of gabapentin and amitriptyline

I had MVD done on March 11th and 2 weeks post surgery my doctor informed me to start weaning off of my medications, Gabapentin and amitriptyline. I have been experiencing bad headaches, different than the headaches from incision pain, heat flashes, ive been extremely shaky, etc…Has anyone else had withdrawal from weaning off either of these medications? What were the symptoms? What did you end up doing in order to get off of the meds? Im contacting my doctor tomorrow but I’d like to know of others’ scenarios.

I would ask pharmacist… They ARE the meds guru!

I just weaned off of Gabapentin in December. It was a difficult experience. I was on a very high dose of Gabapentin (3600 mg) and my doctor took me off of it too quickly. Within 3 days I had extreme nausea and terrible itching. I had to go back up in my dosage and take it slower. It took me almost a month to completely come off of it. I had continual mild nausea and the itching continued as well, but not as bad. I did not have any strange headaches, but that is where my ATN is. My pain is on my forehead and above my left eye. Good luck!

As KCDancer said, the pharmacist would be the best source for info. From my own experience and what I have read it is wise to wean very slowly off gabapentin. My docs have had me go up in 100 mg increments and I had no trouble. When my new neuro cut me by 300 mg day instant I had terrible pains. If I ever need to go off I will drop 100 mg a day for a couple days then another 100 mg day. It might take a while but it is easier to adjust that way.

I had MVD in Feb 2014. I’ve been gradually weaning off all three of the meds I had been taking before surgery. Lamotrigine was the first, Neurotin next and now I am weaning off Carbatrol. I didn’t seem to have any noticeable withdrawal symptoms with the first 2 but I have been having anxiety type symptoms since weaning from Carbatrol. I feel very nervous, heart palpatations, shakiness, tingling in arms and legs, chest heaviness, etc. Has anyone else experienced anything similar to this? I talked to my doc, but he said he has not known of anyone to experience these symptoms but did say that it could be possible. Everyone is different. I have been weaning slowly so don’t think it’s because I’ve come off too quickly. Maybe because I’ve taken it for years? Any thoughts?

I was on a high dose of Gabapentin and it was getting in the way of work. I'm a police officer so you can understand why I can't afford something like that. Anyway, without asking my doctor I started to back off the Gabapentin one pill at a time for a week until I got down to a livable dose. 600 in the morning, 300 in the afternoon and at night. I took over a month to get here but I figure if they had me build up slowly then I should back down the same way. It worked with only mild complacations. My TN is worse but I can work now without forgeting simple things, screwing up reports, or just running on a half tank all the time. I do take off more time now because of the TN flair ups, but I have FMLA to cover that and so far the department hasn't said anything.

I have a MVD set up for 8/5 so we'll see how that goes. Good luck, becareful, don't be in a rush

Hi my friend
Please let
Me know if you need any info about the MVD I am very similar to you in regards to needed all your faculties I’m a a psychotherapist in a locked ouch unit. I have to be present 100% because of the violence. Because of the plate in my head I can’t get to physical. All I need is to get hit at the crani site. Also I can’t be on high doses of any meds because I can’t look impaired its a bit of a mess. My surgery had many complications but it helped a great deal

Yes!! Withdrawal form gabapentin can cause reactions similar to the "bends" . A situation occurring when divers come to the surface quickly. You must withdraw very very slowly a few miiligrams at a time;

I had severe abdominal pains in an attempt to go cold turkey. The withdrawal is tantamount to any opiate situation including depression, anxiety and sadness. Go slow take your time stretch-out the time line.

I moved to quickly after retaking gabapentin for a slight relapse. The retaking of this drug over time can also cause extreme muscle weakness. After Gamma Knife I use a small amount of tegretol daily and all I well.



I remember being miserable coming off my gabapentin but I had a harder time coming off klonopin. I would just lay on the floor in a miserable mess. I would be depressed, anxious, and VERY irritable. It took me about a month to get off my gabapentin and maybe 2-3 weeks to get off the klonopin. My neurosurgeon took me off tegretol over a few weeks as well and I cant say I really had withdrawal with it but I was also still on gabapentin.

Best of luck,
