I've had TN for almost 10 years now (wow - I didn't realize its been that long. Anyway...). I was just told that I need to have my wisdom teeth removed within the next week. The oral surgeon showed me how close the trigeminal nerve is to my teeth being removed. I haven't had a bad episode in a while, and I'm really nervous because I'm going to be starting an internship thousands of miles from home in 2 1/2 weeks. Has anyone had experience getting their wisdom teeth removed with TN? I'm so scared. Thanks in advance.
Hi- I understand your nervousness! I did not have wisdom teeth removed but had major dental work in the past 2 months (four crowns) Two were on the left-- my TN side. I am currently in remission and was very nervous about the symptoms returning! For two weeks before and a few weeks after i started back on the tegretol just to calm the nerves-- I am happy to say there has been no return of the tn. I realize the roots are near the nerve--but as long as your oral surgeon know your concern i am sure he will be especially careful to stay clear of the nerve... hope all goes well-- just take some extra meds for a few weeks and you should be good!
Thank you for the response - I'm glad it didn't cause any trouble! I'm supposed to take trileptal 2x daily, but I've gone down to once daily without problems, but I think I'm going to jump up to 2 before and after. Thanks for the advice and kind words =)
Please don’t have it removed, knowing that the nerve is so close, having a wisdom tooth removed started my TN journey, I won’t have any dental treatment done anymore, I have my teeth cleaned, checked etc, but I don’t have any injections, I was supposed to have root canal work last year, but when I asked my surgeon he was against it, thought it was unwise to have any work done…
What about having it removed in a hospital, under general anaesthetic, no injections?
Please re-think, I don’t know what everyone else thinks?
Keep well Anne x