When you can't find a neuro

My doctor wants to refer me to a neuro. My chart was sent to five different local neuros that all said they do mot treat TN, refer to OHSU. OHSU IS BOOKED OUT A YEAR!!! I am out of remission after two years of no pain. I am not responding to prior treatment.

Anyone run into this? And if so, what did you do? I have got to see someone sooner than later. I know I am preaching to the choir. I am just looking for suggestions.

I would go online and put in neurosurgeons who treat Timengial Neuralgia and put in your town and state. I would also ask your GP if they could recommend someone, and then tell the neurosurgeons office your GP recommended the doctor. Also look for a pain management doctor who deals with TN. There are good people here who know more than I do, and I am sure they can give you good advice on what to do.

I probably should add my doctor has referred me out to several in my town. None of the local ones will touch me. I think because I live 45 miles from OHSU which has a in clinic that treats and researched TN. I am waiting to hear back from one last neuro in town. I just keep racking my brains. I just need my meds sorted. My own doctor said he did not know enough about TN to try and figure out other drugs.

That is a shame. I suppose there are no pain management doctors around either. I am surprised your GP didn't know , and can not refer you to anyone that can help. Is there a hospital with any doctors that do pain management or any neuroligists at the hospital near you? I hope it all gets straighten out soon, you need to sort out your meds.

Lisa, there is a neuro listed in our Doctors file in Bend, OR. Is that close to you? There are actually 3 listed for OR but one is OHSU as you have already tried. The link is on the top of the page.