Welcome to our community, Opal7 from Illinois!

@Opal7 hey there and welcome to Living With Facial Pain! I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but I hope you’re doing fine now. I see that you wanted to talk to more people with Trigeminal Neuralgia and I think you just came to the right place! It’s also good to know that you’ve already spent a decent amount of time viewing topics and reading posts here. And you’ve already made your own discussion thread as well! So, please continue doing so.

I’m so glad that Google brought you here. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me. You can do this by clicking my avatar (The circle with an “E”), you can see my profile, and from there you can message me! :smile:


I am from Chicago. If you need any recommendations in this area let me know. There is a pain clinic at the University of Illinois Dental School with a brilliant Doctor Sahni. I have attended her lectures. Also the head of oral and maxillosurgery. Dr. Michael Miloro wrote a book on trigeminal pain.
Good luck