Has anyone else noticed s connection with passing weather fronts and the severity of their pain? Maybe its coincidence but it seems that whenever a weather front comes yo groom the gulf it brings a worsening of my condition.
I knew a girl with a metal knee, and she could tell when it was going to rain. I think the electrons get excited when the ground feels the charge of the negative ions from the clouds as we are more sensitive to light and sound. Just a thought
Yep, yep. Barometric pressure dropping does it to me. When storms are brewing I can feel this tight, tingly feeling in my jaw.
Definitely, especially for me because mine triggers from my sinus issues
Yes, one of the less pleasant way of knowing we are “one with the universe”
There ain’t no cure…
Hi Brian,
Absolutely 100% everytime barometric pressure changes Bam! We have a cold front thats coming thru, I live in thr NE., also cold triggers me. i am also like that with my back, had z8 surgeries also titanium rods, that also triggers me with weather changes. I use heating pad on my head to keep cool air off my head. It helps tiny bit. Whatever works right
Every time the barometric pressure changes my migraines get set off and it becomes a horrid cycle where my TN and migraines set each other off over and over. That has been my hell for the past two days. I wish it would just stay warm and dry.
Mine does that! Any cold front and or even it warming up aggravates it! My pain usually makes my jaw tingle and burn and my ear burn, so weather def is a contributing trigger!