Definitely here too. I can tell you when it's gonna rain. I live in the Pacific Northwest and the long wet winters kill me. July-Sept I do much better.
Yes, I seem to have far worse pain on the days when it rains or snows especially if it's a huge storm in a cold weather. I am still fairly young but already sound like my grandpa in that respect LOL
Barometric pressure is your worst nightmare. Can't even take refuge indoors because it creeps in the house. Anybody brainstorming with anyway to battle this? Please let me know! Wishing you all sunshine!
Very much so tiger. Used to live in Michigan and it about killed me every time the weather changed. Still does but here in California it doesn't change 4-5 times a week or more! Luckily I also found the right meds that help a lot for me. (Topamax). Also, when I feel the pain coming on, I get out the heating pads and put them on the back of my head/neck and lay down for awhile. That really seems to help. Wishing you luck. Don't give up!
I assume by surgery you are talking about MVD? I'm just curious. I was only recently diagnosed with TN and have just tonight figured out that the weather is a "trigger" for me. It's so hard to figure out what is real and what may be in your head sometimes.
Lisa011 said:
I noticed it! Even after surgery....seasonal changes....I'm a walking weather vane. Can always tell when something is brewing in the new meaning to the term fair weather friend