Went to neurosurgeon yesterday. He basically gave me two options…MVD…or the balloon thingy where they go trough your face. He said with the balloon I may have numbness forever…hard to know how much though. He said at my age I should go for the MVD…MY AGE??? Well immediately made me suspicious of my age and was I too old??? Even though he assured me I was not…he said if I were 70 he may question it. So…have any of you out there had this done AT MY AGE>>LOL…I am so terrified of this, but I cannot take this pain either. I am in the middle of trying to sell my house and he said the recovery was about a month…so that leaves another question…should I wait till I sell my house…I am having a new one built so I would have to put this off till about July…or do it now and try to recover while showing my home to potential buyer which would be hard to do. If I wait till summer.,then I will be 62?? Would really appreciate any input…thank you so much everybody,
I had a MVD at the age of 60 in 2007, it left me deaf in one ear. The TN stayed away for 2 years. Though I have had balance problems ever since my operation. Think I was unlucky many people have a successful MVD without any complications. Don’t think my age had anything to do with it. I had TN for 8 years before I was offered a MVD, I feel if I had been offered one earlier I would not have had all the problems. There are many people on this site who will tell you to go for a MVD, and how it has changed their lives for the better. Never heard of the balloon. It is a chance worth taking in my opinion, if I had my life over again, I would have insisted on a second opinion and getting a MVD sooner, think my had gone on too long. Good Luck Margaret.