
Well everyone Ive decided to have the MVD. I ask for all of your thoughts and prayers. And any recommendations or ideas you may have for me. My plan is to have it the 5th of June. Im waiting for my daughter to get out of school. Im scared to death, but i know that I cant live like this. Im only 45 and taking more medicine than a lot of my patients. Where will I be in 5 or 10 years? Ive prayed about it and am leaving it all at Gods feet. He will guide the hands of the Dr's and I pray his plan is a pain free existence.

Best of luck. Get your support group in order and remember that you are having brain surgery. Can't emphasis this enough. Plan on dizzy spells, pain, nausea, and similiar side effects while you heal. It does get better. I had mine in Nov. and am back to work. Still dealing with some stuff but the TN is alright. It was worth it for me. I hope you get similiar results. Keep us posted. Oh yeah, plan on popsicles to fight the dehydration. They saved me.

Hi Angela, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Best wishes and blessings

Will definitely be praying for you. I know that is a hard decision. Mine is April 24th. We have been chatting about it at if you want to join in on the fun. HAHA! Best wishes!

I understand completely what you are feeling...I postponed my MVD 3 times before finally going through with it! I, too just had to leave it at Jesus' feet...even though my MVD was unsuccessful, many have had great success with it so I will keep you in my prayers for a wonderful outcome! :) And though I was not healed by my MVD, God's GRACE carries me through each day & always makes a way for me to continue on, even when I think I can't bear the pain any longer! Now He has given me a ministry through encouraging & supporting others who suffer with painful conditions, so I'm finally understanding His purpose for me in the suffering & pain I go through on a constant basis! Anyway, just want you to know you'll be in my prayers - let us know how things go with your MVD! Blessings! ♥

Good Luck....I cancelled mine and had some other procedure that numbs the face...I wouldnt recommend that to anyone...Iv had more trouble than I thought possible....and its been a month thoughts are with you xxx

Angela, I had my surgery a year and a half ago at age 43. I understand your fear and trepidation, but it was the best thing I've ever done. I'm completely pain free and medicine free and it's a good feeling. I also am a believer and felt God's hand even as early as when I made the decision to have the surgery, I was at peace. I also don't know where I will be in 5 or 10 years, but the last year and a half have been amazing and I need to thank God every day for this gift. I will be praying for you.


Hi Angela, Just by your words, I know the emotions and state you are at as I just had my MVD a month ago at 46 and was at that point as well. Somehow I knew deep in my heart that this was the right time and even though I had my 10 year old son to worry about, I felt a great peace in trusting god's plan. I also knew that I would be able to be a better mother without all of the pain and depression . The worst part of my recovery was only in the first few days after, because there is swelling etc going on, I highly recommend asking for ice packs, that helped immensely. I awoke with zero TN pain, and can speak, eat, brush my teeth and do all the things I couldnt do before with a new excitement that only a TN sufferer would understand. Off all four of my medications too. I had slight balance issues when walking for first week or so, so walk with someone and use railings. Had face, mouth and scalp numbness but little by little I feel it coming back. Sense stimulation can be a bit overwhelming but great now. Mentally, having no pain, and remembering where I was just over a month ago is so empowering. I am very excited for you and I will pray for your health and wellness. Be proud of your strength. Love and light.

Thank you for your reply Janet. One of the best things about this group is knowing that im not alone or completely insane. I too have felt at peace since I made my decision, well at least for the most part. Im so happy to hear that youve had the wonderful success youve had. I pray that the same is in the plans God has for me. Thank you for your prayers. That means more than anything.


Janet L Ditslear said:

Angela, I had my surgery a year and a half ago at age 43. I understand your fear and trepidation, but it was the best thing I've ever done. I'm completely pain free and medicine free and it's a good feeling. I also am a believer and felt God's hand even as early as when I made the decision to have the surgery, I was at peace. I also don't know where I will be in 5 or 10 years, but the last year and a half have been amazing and I need to thank God every day for this gift. I will be praying for you.


Happy to help and pray.

Angela, I am happy to hear that you are making a plan to hopefully help with the pain in your face. I am just turning 40 and I had MVD done 3 1/2 years ago. It was the best decision I had ever made. I had feared what the outcome would be as well, would I lose my hearing or site, would it hurt when I woke up? I imagined the worst. I had resolved that I wasn't going to make it and put my life in Gods hands. I kissed my family, said my I love you's, and told the Dr "Okay let's do this." He had told me that when I wake up, I'd be all better and not have any more of those pains. Then the "But" came. He told me "But, you may feel like your head was run over by a train. That'll only last about day or so." When I awoke from surgery, my face didn't hurt anymore at all! My head felt like it had been crushed but the hospital was really good about pain management and keeping me comfortable for the 3 days I was there. When I came home I still had staples in my head but I felt so much better. The pain... Irritation.... from the incision was so much more welcome than the face pains. Nothing in comparison. I hope you also have a positive experience with yours. I am consulting with my Neurosurgeon for a second surgery on April 11th. I have started having "sensations" in my face a few weeks ago and my Neurologist was right on top of it. God Bless Angela and I will send my prayers for you and your family.