I wanted to share with you all the gift of more knowledge. Because I learned a lot about my nerve wiring and how it effects my TN and ON by studying where and what the relation was to the other nerves, senses, and muscles.
I encourage you all to study the anatomy of where your pain comes from. These nerves all play with each other. Some play nicer then others.
I believe my ear pain stems from ON and TN not GN. Before my MVD my ear pain was rising to unbearable levels, I could hear a spider on the wall and things like a clock tick would radiate or trigger pain from inside my ear all the way across my face to my nose and lips. Same noise would also trigger my scalp pain and migraines. Then it would trigger breathing pain up my nose and down my teeth. After the MVD(6mnths ago removed 2 vessels of TN) the ear pain is reduced to 25% in frequency of what it used to be(my TN pain is reduced by 50% even the constant ache). The shooters are not as strong either.The pain is so different now in my ears. To my surprise the bitter taste in my mouth has gone away. One day I did taste it a little but I was super swollen in my mouth that day. I had always associated that bitter taste with the amount my mouth was swollen. Different types of noises effect my ON symptoms still. Behind my ear where my glasses sit hurts daily still, and I get occasional rouge neuralgia type pains inside and around cartilage.
I am convinced now that the ear pain I experience is stemming from my ON symptoms. I have read several reference's that say ON can cause both ear pain and some face pain.
I will be getting a Occipital Nerve block to confirm ON this month.
Healing together, Tree