Update on recovery from MVD

I haven't updated in quite some time. I had MVD surgery in January (right side). Until about six weeks after surgery, I could have sworn that my right ear was going to be plugged forever. Good news...it is back to "normal" for the most part. As of a few weeks ago or so, the right side of my tongue is now numb. But, I'll take that any day over the ear issue...it was driving me nuts. I would say, thus far, that the MVD has helped with the "area" of pain that I used to have. It seems to be a smaller area that is affected now. Today, however, the pain is seeming to inch it's way back to the top of my head. I am hoping this is a "fluke". I went back to work at the 6 week after surgery mark. I've made it through but tire VERY easily. I am thankful each day I make it through. And, it is very tough getting through 50 hour work weeks. In retrospect, I think I needed more time off. I had a fall down some stairs a few days ago... face pain has been increasing since then..hoping it is irony. And, I am "hoping" that I am far enough along in the "recovery" process that it didn't "jar" anything in my head... I haven't called the doc. I hope that I am just being "paranoid". Over the past few days, I want to rip the teeth out in my upper right jaw. And, I wish I could NUMB the whole right side of my head....arggg!!!!!

Wishing you all a pain free day...or as pain free as possible.