Hi gang,
Sorry, I couldn’t add a reply directly to my previous post as my blackberry is a bit that way inclined!
I am still here. I had a CT with contrast done on my neck this arvo.
Lyrica has been aborted and they have started me on Epilim early this arvo.
Had a fantastic day, considering I didn’t sleep at all last night. Totally sky high on panadine forte. Hmmmm. Codien! At one stage, the curtains were moving and morphing in to different shapes! I felt oh so sick but oh so happy! Hahah
I’m up on a medical ward with a heap of elderly people. The nurses love me here as I don’t have dementia! I have a confused lady in the room next to me to me who keeps calling
Out for the nurse. She doesn’t understand the nurse call button. So I have called the nurses about 50 times for her today.
Shall see what tomorrow holds. Get my CT results back in the morning.
Smooches to ya’ll!