Trouble swallowing

Does anyone else have trouble swallowing and drooling on the side or sides they have their TN?

the past few days, it hurts to swallow ... since i have had tn, i notice i drool on the side that is afflicted ... it even hurts to lick my lips, talk, chew, smile, yawn ... boy, would l love to be able to open my mouth wide enough to enjoy a hamburger !!

Thanks for posting…I have lots of trouble swallowing and get choked on my own saliva sometimes. I get a Sharp pain in my throat…then I can’t swallow…I thought maybe I had lost my mind…it happens mostly when my TN is in a flare…and occasionally just randomly…I have increased my baclofen and that does seem to help…it is very embarrassing when it happens in public…and my family and friends know to just give me a minute and it will pass…sorry u are having trouble in this way too. Is it all the time for u or just intermittently?

I do not drool on the side with TN but if im having a day where my pain in centered in my lower jaw it tends to shoot down my neck and make it sore. I feel like im swallowing a golf ball on those days :/ Ive had one of those days today actually! The joys of this disorder just seem to get better lol.

my drooling is not a daily occurrence ... i take a napkin and lightly place it to my lips ... if i wipe using pressure, it hurts

Lisa26 said:

Thanks for posting..I have lots of trouble swallowing and get choked on my own saliva sometimes. I get a Sharp pain in my throat..then I can't swallow..I thought maybe I had lost my happens mostly when my TN is in a flare..and occasionally just randomly..I have increased my baclofen and that does seem to is very embarrassing when it happens in public..and my family and friends know to just give me a minute and it will pass..sorry u are having trouble in this way too. Is it all the time for u or just intermittently?

I realise that I am a year and a half late in replying to this, but, Yes! I get that, too! Thought that I was alone but I guess not : ) My drooling began about two weeks ago and will not let up. It is on the same side as the affected area ( the RIGHT side this week ) and started at about the time that this most recent flare up did. It’s a bit like that stream of drool you get when leaving the dentist after being shot full of Novocain…but instead of numbness, there is electrical pain. There have also been a handful of times where I, too, have had difficulty swallowing due to a sore throat, but chalked it up to another cold bug, as I have two young kids who attend public school where cooties run amok. Haven’t ever had an issue drooling before though…lol…Nice to know that I’m not alone, I suppose : )

Hi guys I don''t have problems drooling but find I have real problem swallowing small medication. If the tablet is normal size I have no problem but having difficulty with tabs like Tegretol and Amitriptyline, I choke on these every time I take them. Always feel them stuck on TN side. Discussed it with doctor and he just suggested taking tabs with yoghurt.

For the first time, I'm drooling out of both sides of my mouth. For years my TN was on the right side of my face but about a year ago it started on the left. Yesterday I developed a few mouth sores after a weekend of TN pain in both sides of my face. I woke up with a few more sores this morning (inside of my cheeks and right under my bottom lip. Here's the deal - I work in radio. I'm on the air right now and I'm having trouble speaking because I'm drooling out of both sides of my mouth. I don't know if I'm subconciously drooling to protect my mouth from the pain from the sores or because it's TN related. My tongue feels swollen and tingly too. I find it's hard for me to articulate on the radio and am actually garbling some words. I have to wipe my mouth after every sentence or two I speak out loud. Even if I don't speak the drool builds up within 15 seconds and starts to seep out of the corners of my mouth. What the heck is going on?