Tongue sensations

Does anybody experience numbness or a thick feeling of their tongue only on the side their TN is? Or trouble swallowing at times?

Yes, I have partial numbness on my tongue on the right side.

I definitely have a thick swollen feeling while in a pain spike, also the left side of my tongue apparently turns bright red along the edge or so my mother and the ER doctor told me when it was happening the other day and since. I am so turned off by food right now that I am having trouble swallowing anyway, so i cant answer to that. Strangely chewing seems to help me get over the hurdle during a spike but making myself eat something at that moment seems to be a hard battle. Knowing something and doing it are different things, right?

Yes, this is something which visits and annoys me often :(

I have this problem but mine affects the entire bottom side of my tongue, some taste buds and the back of my throat as well. Talking and chewing are triggers for me which causes the painful spasms. They feel like charlie-horse cramps and nothing really helps. I have difficulty swallowing and am on a soft food diet only. I have become a very good listener since my talking has decreased tremendously. haha


My last episode came with shocks/pricks and my tongue simply felt foreign in my mouth. It was brought on by a long night of eating, laughing and talking with family. The TN seemed to be activated by all the activity and created spasms of surrounding muscles (tongue, throat, neck).

Well that is my diagnosis anyway. Might changed my mind tomorrow =P

Well, I have what Bonnie has the lower sides of my tongue. I have recently been given amitriptyline for the burning around my mouth and the aching, it has helped tremendously. Min

Right edge of tongue has had off and on stabbing or burning pain since mine began 20 months ago. Moving tongue to push food around while eating triggered it, or talking at length. Used to be bending tongue back to side triggered it, but not anymore.

Francine... :( I'm sorry for you. Min

I am very lucky in that my sensation on the affected side is only slightly affected. My tongue is slightly less sensitive on the left side as is my face. I guess I am lucky really!

Oh my gosh! I just posted the same question yesterday, but have had no responses yet.

I didn't have the numbness in my tongue until recently. I had the Gamma Knife procedure in October, 2011.

The procedure seemed to help for a while, but my pain is back ten-fold, along with numbness in my tongue.

Did you have the Gamma Knife? Have you talked to your doc about the numbness?
I am going-in this week to discuss my next steps and am a bit nervous.

Look forward to hearing back from you.


The front right quadrant of my tongue has been a mess since the pain returned after gk #1. Botox usually knocks it down by day 14 after the injections to the right side of my scalp, but he put the shots in diff. places two weeks ago and the tongue thing has not backed down unless the nerve backs down. Pain has def. been more after gk #1 and #2 than prior to the gk experience. Sometimes I use the viscous Lidocaine 2%, hold it on the tongue for a good 3 min, and then spit it out. This numbing will last for a nice long while. Sometimes until after the wave of nerve pain and then it will be gone.