Trigemenal Neuralgia story on good morning america

There was a story this morning on good morning America about trigeminal neuralgia. It was very interesting. Everyone who has a loved one trying to understand this disease should have them read this story. Search google for good morning America and type in trigeminal neuralgia in their search box. When I read the story I almost cried. It so much explains what we are going through

Peace and prayers

Just watched the video and read the story, very touching. I hope everything goes well for that young lady. I have TN but I'm 49 years old, I would so hate it if I was her age when it started. I can't even begin to imagine how it would have changed everything about my life up to now.

Her mom is a member here. She and Red said they would be posting a link to the story.

Houston man,
I’m having trouble finding the video. How’d you get to it?

I found the video. Poor child

Here's the full article:

Would love to find a printable link to share with my boss.

shadow2 said:

"Would love to find a printable link to share with my boss."

I'm sure you can help your boss out with printing a copy of that for your HR department I assume....I'll be printing one for me if you if you assistance getting it into a printable format.

That is a very good article....even the comments seem to be mostly understanding.


Did you know the surgeon fixed TEN compressions for Katie Rose? 6 on her trigeminal nerve and 2 each on 2 other cranial nerves. That girls is amazing and such and inspiration. She was released today to the Ronald McDonald house so she doesn't have to be in the hospital, just somewhere close by.

shadow2 said:

Would love to find a printable link to share with my boss.

in response to printing the ABC news article....there's a little box on the left hand side that has icons for sharing on Facebook, Twitter, the bottom of the box there is an icon of a will give you a printer friendly version of the story.