Everyone with TN should read this

In my opinion it is an excellent write-up of Trigeminal Neuralgia!
Very informative too.

Trigeminal Neuralgia: the diagnosis and management of this excruciating and poorly understood facial pain.

By, Joanna M Zakrzewska, Roddy McMillan


Pass it on…

(( hugs )) Mimi

Fascinating. Thanks for posting. Interesting in their approbation of TN support groups.

What a great informative article. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you Mimi, I have added this to my home screen for constant reference.

Hi Mimi,

What an excellent article. Frankly, it was disturbing to me to read the pain descriptions as it brought me back to that dreadful time. That's because it is so accurate.

I thought the final words are "spot on"

Every TN patient must become proactive.

They must become the leader of the medical team. They must
seek a broad spectrum of input and then they must form

their own treatment plan

Thanks for sharing.



I know right RICK?!

That entire article just really made me feel as though the authors truly understood the condition!

I know for a fact the Dr. Zak ( as she is called) is part of the team of scientists/ neurology specialists working with the Facial Pain Research Foundation to find a cure for TN! (she is from the UK)

Maureen, I know I really appreciated how they mentioned the importance of TN support groups.

In my opinion, every neurologist and general practitioner should read this! Family & friends should read as well!

Maybe even the dentists!!

Again I encourage EVERY one here at LwTN to read through this article, print it off, save to your home screen etc it’s a very informative and validating piece intended for physicians to have a clear understanding of TN.

Mimi : )


This was great, thank you so much for sharing. I totally agree with Rick regarding the final words. I have been saying that to myself for years. One question, how do I save it to my home screen?

Thanks So Much....Jodi

I agree with you, Rick . . last words are spot on:

Every TN patient must become proactive. They must become the leader of the medical team. They must seek a broad spectrum of input and then they must form their own treatment plan.

Thanks, Mimi!!
