I was thinking about your post the other day and I've figured out what's annoyed me about it. It's because it's pointless.
The first half is an unhelpful diatribe trying to somehow put the pain of trigeminal neuralgia into a little box- as if everyone's experience of it is exactly the same (and not that bad according to you- maybe that is just your experience of it- not that bad)
You then go on to discuss people you know who have died. We have all had that experience. Watching the ones we love slowly dying. They have end of life medication like morphine which greatly eases that pain. It is not the same to compare the pain of dying and your body shutting down with a lifelong pain that you have to manage as you go about your daily business. They are two very different things. Everything is relative. If you get splashed by a bus on the way to an interview do you immediately thing of the latest nationwide flood? Doubt it.
You then challenge us to all get the nerves in our faces cut to show how much we are REALLY suffering. We aren't in pain we are obviously exaggerating.
You then appear to be saying that people under 60 only get type 2 trigeminal neuralgia which wouldn't have been recognised long ago. I'm 29 with type 1 and type 2. what makes you think type 2 isn't as bad anyway?
PS- I'm incredibly grateful to be living in a country with medical care- but thanks for reminding us to be grateful
Your points regarding quality of life- some of us have better quality of life than others. I don't consider myself disabled because I am not but sometimes the TN can be disabling it takes up all your head space it hurts like nothing else and sometimes the meds mess with your mind. As for your ' You aren't special and you aren't more delicate' actually some people are. I am a 29 year old female mentally I am strong and fine. I am not delicate no but sometimes I feel it. There are others here who ARE more delicate. Fact.
Your statement 'I work in foreclosures and have to drive around all day and stay on my toes enough to outrun dogs and face potentially deadly situations every single day all day long while taking meds that make me dizzy and sleepy'
It is good that the only effect of TN you seem to have is the effects of your meds. My meds are working ok too at the moment I also feel very lucky. Others are not so lucky. It is also your choice to work there. I don't actually feel remotely sorry for you. I hope the dogs are friendly...
I have to quote this whole passage because it's ridiculous and very badly thought out:
'This is a support group, I come here for hugs and kisses, not to have my ass kicked-
What you are hoping for is about as useful as going to an AA meeting so you can sit around talking about how great it is to be drunk. It's just pissing in the wind and not the least bit useful.Nobody should ever support someone feeling sorry for themselves or give you tips on how to be a better loser. If you want that, you're looking to hurt yourself.When I first got here, I wrote about whether or not I belong here. I'm still not sure, because I haven't figured out if this is a real support group or just a bunch of people who want to cry about how nobody understands. Umm... we should all understand... and understand why it's important not to let our sympathy get toxic to us and all the new sufferers out there. the stages of grief apply here as much as anywhere, but we can't lose sight of our responsibilty to move through them and encourage others to do the same'
Comparing this support group to an alcoholics anonymous meeting is insulting. I think you also do not see the positivity of the members- perhaps this is because you are a naturally negative person. Noone here has chosen to have TN, an alcoholic chooses to drink, so it is not like sitting around talking about how great it is to be drunk. I think you got rather carried away trying to be a smartarse.
'Noone should ever support someone feeling sorry for themselves or give you tips on how to be a better loser'
Clearly someone has been bought up to look after their own emotional needs and noone elses- since when was it not the duty of a human being to support and care for another human being who is feeling sad. To call that person a loser is intolerable and insensitive.
It's all very well talking about people whining but I see a lot of positivity on this forum- and people who very much care. You are not one of them.
Lastly you talk about helping people move through the various stages of grief.....somehow don't think 'lifecoach' is the right career for you but thanks for offering.
Lastly if it was not your intention to come across sounding like a dictator and you were just having a bad day then hello :) start again.