I’ve had TN for 5 years now. I’ve had bad flares from time to time but nothing like I’ve been having the last few weeks. When I have an attack it literally feels like a hammer being driven through my teeth. Also starting at my cheek to my temple I feel like it’s on fire. The whole attack kinda pulsates in the best way I can describe it. For the last few days when I get an attack it will last between 20 mins to an hour and suddenly the pain leaves. Then in a couple of hrs it hits again. I’m just not sure if this classical or atypical TN.

You know what? I don't think there's any two of us on here with ATN have have all our symptoms the same! It could well be, I can certainly relate to the teeth thing and the aching coming in waves. Plus a host of other things! I have periods of TN as well, luckily not for a while now. See what others say though. Have fun!!

Hello. I have ATN…or what the new diagnosis is now TN type 2b…which means I have constant TN all the 5ike and also attacks all the time…and b means I have it in all of the 3 branches on my left side. Everyone on thjs site is willing to help anyone at all who has questions or needs advice. I would be more than happy to try and help you if you would like me to.
i hope you have some relief sometime today. We will take a decent day with it being bearable… that sound so good to all doesn’t it ?

Hi Amynay! Do you still have attacks all the time after your nerve being cut? Didn't your pain change at all? I'm going to go for this procedure. That's why I'm asking.

