Classic TN becoming ATN

If Classic TN becomes ATN, is there a possibility that the Classic TN Attacks will not return?

I know many have both, but if its not due to a compression is it possible?

Does ATN and Trig Neuropathy always worsen with time?

Hi elstep.

I might be wondering the same thing. My pain has migrated to many different areas of my mouth. I mean the rumbles are popping up all over. I have a feeling that if it weren't for the meds the CLASSIC pain would just be in all areas of my mouth.

Everyone, please correct me if I am wrong but isn't ATN a FORM of Trigeminal Neuralgia. And when I had subcutaneous NEUROPATHY in my right leg in January and was researching the definition of neuropathy I believei read that neuropathy is not the same as neuralgia. Red, what's the scoop?

Red wrote on another thread that they are not the same.

ATN is a form of TN. ATN is what I have. I actually had the boring pain in my jaw before the shocks started. A few months later, the shocks started which is when they said, NO it's not TMJ, it's TN.