Difference between ATN and neuropathy?

Hi all,

Could someone please expain to me the difference between ATN and trigeminal neuropathy? Is the treatment for each group different? What's the prognosis of each condition?

I don't know which one I have - my neuro diagonosed me with ATN/Atypical Odontalgia, but she expects the nerve to be physically damaged and/or trapped in scar tissue around my teeth, which sounds more like neuropathy to me. I'm asking because each condition has probably different treatment options, but I'm not sure.

Thank you,


My understanding is that they are basically the same thing, but that the diagnosis of neuropathy is when the problem is caused by general inflammation as in the case of an autoimmune disease. However, when I looked it up, I found many instances where it said that trigeminal neuropathy and neuralgia were the same thing. I was diagosed with neuropathy because the neurologist thinks my TN is caused by my Sjogren's. Sorry, not much of an answer. Maybe Red will know. Or one of the old timers. I am still a newbie to all of this. The treatment is basically the same as far as meds are concerned, but neuropathy does not respond as well to surgery....that is what I was told. If you find out differently, please let me know.

There was a discussion on this earlier this month. Of course no memory of the topic. Red did explain the difference. I think you are on the right track booklass and inflammation did have something to do with it. I would send Red a message and ask him to reply to this discussion and explain so anyone reading will see the answer. Elaine