ATN and Nerve injury

Hi all. I went to see neurologist today. Baring in mind ive been told its neuropathic pain,trigeminal nerve pain,and ATN,so it kind of goes along the same sort of path.Today the neurologist says that im not to take any pain relief except for naproxen and my nortriptyline and he wants to see how my facial pain is in a month. He then said if its still bad,then he can do a nerve block or botox. I asked if that would make my mouth/teeth/gum pain go.He replied thats a separate issue,he says thats more then likely nerve is it facial migraine,or ATN or nerve damage. Does nerve damage cause ATN or TN. Rather confused to be honest

Me? I’d find a new neurologist.

I have atypical TN or TN2. Some TN is caused my the nerve being too close to an artery. That is typically TN1 or classic tn. It involves lightening bolt type pain.

Other TN has no known cause but is thought to be nerve damage. My atn is thought to have been caused by blunt force trauma to my face that happened years ago when I was in an abusive marriage and was frequently abused. I do get some electrical shock pain. But by and large my pain is boring pain in my teeth, gums, jaw, cheekbone and head. It is awful pain. I am still messing with the right meds but part of my pain control is pain killers. It doesn’t work for everyone but it does for me.

If you are sure that is how your neurologist explained it to you—
It doesn’t sound like he understands facial neuropathy. Not all neuro’s do. I would want to know how many patients with TN or ATN (s)he has treated.

I got kicked in the head there once...maybe that was it.

Maybe? I was hit repeatedly in the cheekbone with a closed fist and was hit with full cans and bottles of beer. My neurologist shook his head and said I would not benthe first dv victim to trace pain back to beatings. It is when I developed and experienced my first migraine.

VeteranInPain said:

I got kicked in the head there once…maybe that was it.

That sucs...

So while all 4 were kicking me , one kicked me In the head... and I knew it was bad.

Damage to this nerve is not good.My life changed.

I just needed to have my ass kicked ..just once .

hi lisa,to be fair its my 1st visit,and i had the professor in there to who has seen me 2 times. There were several people in there too,its a teaching hospital so presume they were students. What nerve would/could be damaged for ATN or TN to start. I truly dont 'get it' even after a yr,and the only know cause for me was the bottom molar on right side being extracted,and a bad infection sitting there for too long,not to mention a blunt instrument being dug in my 'extraction site'.

Lisa (iamrite) said:

Me? I'd find a new neurologist.

I have atypical TN or TN2. Some TN is caused my the nerve being too close to an artery. That is typically TN1 or classic tn. It involves lightening bolt type pain.

Other TN has no known cause but is thought to be nerve damage. My atn is thought to have been caused by blunt force trauma to my face that happened years ago when I was in an abusive marriage and was frequently abused. I do get some electrical shock pain. But by and large my pain is boring pain in my teeth, gums, jaw, cheekbone and head. It is awful pain. I am still messing with the right meds but part of my pain control is pain killers. It doesn't work for everyone but it does for me.

If you are sure that is how your neurologist explained it to you---
It doesn't sound like he understands facial neuropathy. Not all neuro's do. I would want to know how many patients with TN or ATN (s)he has treated.

How awful. By an ex???. My brother got kicke din the head by a horse,he still has the scar.....

VeteranInPain said:

I got kicked in the head there once...maybe that was it.

christ almighty. So you didnt have a tooth extracted or anything. I am trying to understand why im in this pain,i guess some days you accept it and other days you think FFS why me........

Lisa (iamrite) said:

Maybe? I was hit repeatedly in the cheekbone with a closed fist and was hit with full cans and bottles of beer. My neurologist shook his head and said I would not benthe first dv victim to trace pain back to beatings. It is when I developed and experienced my first migraine.

VeteranInPain said:

I got kicked in the head there once...maybe that was it.

but what nerve. is it the lingual nerve,is it the IAN ,or the trigeminal. I think both run alongside the trigeminal ,i look closely at pics of our nerves,and try and fathom it out. I still havent. I have a week off work so am relishing the rest.

VeteranInPain said:

Damage to this nerve is not good.My life changed.

My understanding is the trigeminal is what brings feeling to all your face. There are smaller nerve branches, but it stems back to the mechanism of the trigeminan nerve.

i was just reading up on facial 'migraine',and what i didnt know until today was that when you have a migraine (i do),the trigeminal nerve inflames. Whether this is fact ,i dont know. Wonders if anyone else suffers migraine.

Lisa (iamrite) said:

My understanding is the trigeminal is what brings feeling to all your face. There are smaller nerve branches, but it stems back to the mechanism of the trigeminan nerve.

I get terrible migraines.

Yes, I started with migraines in my thirties. I don't get them anymore. I am on a preventative. Topamax.

Hi, Sounds like your neurologist doesn't treat people that have facial pain issues related to the tri nerve. It also sounds like he/she doesn't know the layout of the nerve itself. The tri nerve is the 5th cranial nerve with 3 branches to the face/mouth. I have trigeminal neuropathy due to dental trauma caused by a hidden infection. First of all, tri nerve damage can also be neuropathic pain which is what I'm diagnosed with; trigeminal neuropathy by the Mayo Clinic. I have damage to the peripheral nerves in branches 2 & 3 that are part of the tri nerve. ATN & tri neuropathy is usually caused by some type of damage to the tri nerve. I would strongly reconsider getting a different neurologist because if this one said that's a different issue regarding your mouth/teeth/gums, this dr isn't familiar with the tri nerve. Not all neurologists treat tri nerve damage. When you call to make an apt you need to ask questions specific to the tri nerve & if they hesitate in answering your questions I would call another one. Tell them you don't want to waste your money if they aren't familiar with treating TN. Ask how many patients have they treated. Those are important questions to find the right doctor. What are you actually diagnosed with? What are your symptoms? Getting on the right meds can take a really long time. I also have a compression, bilateral which doesn't help my situation. The best meds they found for me were opoids after trying everything on the market. Tri nerve damage does cause ATN & Tri neuropathy. A compression usually causes TN, the Classic, that goes into remission. ATN/Tri Neuropathic doesn't go into remission. It's usually 24/7 pain.

hi.I dont pay for treatment,we have the NHS over here in the UK.So i dont get to choose a neurologist.The doctor that was treating me felt that i should see a neurologist,and she seemed to think that he was good. (i dont know after 1 visit to him). I have had several possible 'diagnosis's'. 1 was atypical facial pain,then idiopathic pain (dunno what that is),then trigeminal nerve pain,then 'possibly' ATN. I was told ATN when the doctor saw my pain diary. I know lots of us go through years of being undiagnosed.

Sorry about the previous rambling ... I lost my mother this week and kinda tied one on the other night.

But what I said is true... I did get jumped by 4 guys a few years back , chipped teeth and busted lip .

But I clearly remember that there was one hard kick right to my temple area on the left side . Most of the strong pain is focused there . Periferal pain varies from burning in my nose and sinus to pain behind my eye to upper jaw pain , cheek pain . Mostly connected to atmosphere pressure changes .

Low pressure makes sleeping a problem , High pressure can trigger severe attacks. But makes sleeping easier??


This is a good image that helps me visualize the nerves and locations. The Maxillary branch causes me the worst problems . Right where the 3 branches come together is like a 'Vise' squeezing(nerve in the vise) when the worst attacks happen.

My MRI showed negative , and now onto a VA Neurologist .

that was a good pic actually. I try and understand what the branches do. Low pressure as in bad weather.My face pain increases if its cold,wet,damp,breezy,raining. Its better in warmer weather,but i still get very bad days. so when you were jumped,was it then the issues started.

VeteranInPain said:

Sorry about the previous rambling ... I lost my mother this week and kinda tied one on the other night.

But what I said is true... I did get jumped by 4 guys a few years back , chipped teeth and busted lip .

But I clearly remember that there was one hard kick right to my temple area on the left side . Most of the strong pain is focused there . Periferal pain varies from burning in my nose and sinus to pain behind my eye to upper jaw pain , cheek pain . Mostly connected to atmosphere pressure changes .

Low pressure makes sleeping a problem , High pressure can trigger severe attacks. But makes sleeping easier??


This is a good image that helps me visualize the nerves and locations. The Maxillary branch causes me the worst problems . Right where the 3 branches come together is like a 'Vise' squeezing(nerve in the vise) when the worst attacks happen.

My MRI showed negative , and now onto a VA Neurologist .