Does anyone get any tinnitus symptoms?
I get a whoooop whooooop whooooop in my right ear. Pulsitatle tinnitus.
Does anyone get any tinnitus symptoms?
I get a whoooop whooooop whooooop in my right ear. Pulsitatle tinnitus.
Hi Bec,
I have tinnitus too, it is constant in my right ear and for me is a extremely high pitched tone. It’s there all the time, and sometimes it gets stronger and it even at times cuts out all external sound - not from the tone of the tinnitus but like that ear just goes deaf temporarily like a switch was turned off and then all I can hear out of my right ear is the tinnitus. I’m sure there’s more but I’m in a brain fog right now.
Cheers ~ Kerry
Hey Kerry,
Did you ever find out if your tinnitus is related to your TN?
Hey Bec,
No, I didn’t. My ENT doc wasn’t concerned, neither was my Neuro or my GP - they just nod at me. But the ENT did send me for vestibular and audiology testing when I had severe vertigo, tinnitus & other issues last year. But the vestibular and audiology tests were negative for any helpful results. With the tinnitus’s intermittent & temporary deafness part - the problem is it’s intermittent - hard to test for something that’s not always there. I intend to ask my GP about that some more when I see her tomorrow as it’s actually been bothering me more lately.
Cheers ~ K.
Beccy said:
Hey Kerry,
Did you ever find out if your tinnitus is related to your TN?
Me again I personally don’t connect my TN with the Tinnitus - I think it is more a coincidence than anything else. I know from my MRI’s & MRA’s that there is nothing demonstratively wrong with either the 7th or 8th cranial nerves - 8th is the nerve for your ears. 7th is the facial nerve. The trigeminal nerve is 5th. In fact - my MRI / MRA only showed I have sinus disease, nothing else.
I’m not saying it is not possible - just that I don’t think enough is known yet. I have both TN & ON (Occipital Neuralgia) and both bilaterally - so it is possible that because of the pain my ears get from both TN & ON that there may well be a link - I am just not medically trained and as far as I know - no ones’ found research yet connecting the TN with Tinnitus. And I have none of those. So, to me - it is still a mystery. But I will ask my doc about it again - only cause it is getting more frequent with the temp deafness bit.
If you come across any research on the matter online - I’d be interested to read it. Oh, I do know that nerve pain in one location of the body - can be referred to another body part a long way from the origin of the pain. Personal experience on that one. A severe TN &/ ON attack for me demonstrates this by sending extra pain down my neck, usually unilaterally into my shoulder, breastbone & chest - giving me chest pains the hospital would panic about and put me on an ECG But it was simply referred pain from my face. Not fun all the same. I’ve had this going on 13 year anniversary soon - and the pain from attacks I’ve gotten this year alone have had me admitted in hospital 4 times, with around 35 ER admissions, 5 of these have been via the ambo’s. Many of these times are due to the addition of referred pains. It just seems that once the pain refer’s outside of my face - the pain in my face triples.
Cheers ~ K.
Hi again!
I’ve been reading a lot about tinnitus, and in particular pulsitale tinnitus. I haven’t come up with much of interest. I think it can be related to about a zillion things. lol
My E.N.T. specialist is a bit baffeled by it though, that’s the main reason he has sent me for a MRI and MRA to rule any thing out in that respect.
Mine doesn’t really bother me though. Its just there. It comes and goes through out the day.
Yes I got it too! I have GN, it’s like TN but the pain starts in the ear and the ent did some test because of vertigo and some hearing loss and he found I do have some sort of inner ear thing going on. In my case, yes it can be due to my GN. I think the best thing you can do is speak to your doctors about it as everyone’s symptoms are similar but different.
Hi Diana,
Whats GN? So you have pulsitatle tinnitus??
GN is Geniculate neuralgia you can see about it on the main page, we have a group for it here living with TN. I don’t know the name of my tinnitus but I do get a variation of sounds, whoops and whoshes, sea shell sound, long beep sounds. I never last mor than 5 min. Don’t think I could take it all day, I would go nuts.
Beccy said:
Hi Diana,
Whats GN? So you have pulsitatle tinnitus??
I have the EXACT same thing Kerry!
Kerry said:
Hi Bec,
I have tinnitus too, it is constant in my right ear and for me is a extremely high pitched tone. It's there all the time, and sometimes it gets stronger and it even at times cuts out all external sound - not from the tone of the tinnitus but like that ear just goes deaf temporarily like a switch was turned off and then all I can hear out of my right ear is the tinnitus. I'm sure there's more but I'm in a brain fog right now.
Cheers ~ Kerry
Exactly what I think it sounds like. My experience is that it is often dependent on the position of my head. Started after my MVD last year.
In addition to ATN, I have something called Meniere's Disease, which is a chronic condition of the inner ear. It causes vertigo, tinnitus, and potential hearing loss. (I do not have that problem. I have the hearing of a bat.) I take meds for it, which keeps the worst symptoms at bay and I do not think it is related to my TN.
Anyway, one thing that is helpful for tinnitus, regardless of the cause, is called lipoflavinoid. It is an OTC med usually found in the vitamin section of the pharmacy.
Hope it helps!
I have TN1, Tinnitus (the usual and the pulsatile (woosh woosh) one, earproblems (eustachian tube which closes up my middle ear which makes me deaf at one side) and I also have vertigo problems. The vertigo was thought to be menieres at first, but now my doctor treats it as MAV (Migraine associated Vertigo).
A Migraine uses the same pathway as TN does so I've read, the 5th cranial nerve. My MRI is also clear, also for nerves 5 and 8, but I have severe issues going on at my left side of my face.
The pulsatile tinnitus started at the same time TN did, so was the vertigo. Coincidence? I think not...
Yes, I do. Ringing, whooshes and pulse like thumping. Interested in this subject, after searching 'tinnitus'...You are not alone in thumping, personally myself I am hearing high pitched tones, for a few minutes each time, or beeps like the sound you hear when having a hearing test..ask my family and no-one else can hear them. I have only experienced it since the beginning of my pain... Trying to find a correlation between this and my TN. Thankyou Sarafina for the tip about Lipoflavinoid I will look into it here.
I can hear what sounds like heartbeat, especially and almost always when I am in the shower ?!? Also probably a strange one, but whenever I have an injection, eg fluid IN for mri, or have blood taken fluid OUT I can hear whooshing sounds. Having a slow drip Iron infusion for up to 6 hours is just weird, like a flush flush whoosh for hours. Such a strange uncomfortable sensation and the doctors I have mentioned it to, my GP my Rheumy and Neurologist have all dismissed it..(crazy old Mel lol) I'm curious do any of you experience this?
I get the same thing but couldn't figure out how to describe it, the sea shell sound makes sense. I also get the hearing turning off like someone flipped a switch for a minute as well as the pulsatile tinnitus whoosh whoosh. That one is the worst, very troubling at times. It has been so strong that it has woken me up. Sometimes it is just like a heartbeat right by my ear. I sometimes wonder if it our medication contributing or the TN.
Diana Parker said:
GN is Geniculate neuralgia you can see about it on the main page, we have a group for it here living with TN. I don't know the name of my tinnitus but I do get a variation of sounds, whoops and whoshes, sea shell sound, long beep sounds. I never last mor than 5 min. Don't think I could take it all day, I would go nuts.
Beccy said:Hi Diana,
Whats GN? So you have pulsitatle tinnitus??
I used to get a thudding in the middle of my head....kinda like a heartbeat...really weird... I thought it was the Trileptal..It only happened when I lay flat tho....after I started sleeping in a recliner it went away. So I wonder if it has something to do with the TN> I know that sleeping flat will give me head pain and headaches the next day, as well as facial swelling...that's why I don't sleep flat in a bed anymore...
You guys have given me lots of food for thought----LOL
I do have tinnitus as well, and hyperacussis. ....So you are not alone, it comes and goes. I have ear plugs for the sound sensitivity.
i have tinnitus also, usually ringing or other high and low pitched sounds but I've had the whoop, whoop on occasion as well. don't know if TN related. My father had it and my sister does so maybe genetic?