Three days of no relief

Hello fello sufferers.

I am having a bad week. The last three days have been brutal.
No prescribed meds seem to be working. Ive got some MJ that helps me but alas, I cannot use that until after work.
It has been bad, probably worse on my family but hell on me.

I hope everyone else out there is able to survive.


Hi Smash
I just had two intensely bad days too but better today. I’m wondering a combination of too much activity in previous days and then big weather change.
Hope tomorrow is better for you.

I think the weather has a lot to do with it as well.

it seems the more stimulating things i do the worse i am sux

Thanks, it helps to know.

I’m so sorry to hear everyone is having bad days. I hope you can all get through it. (((((HUGS))))))) to you all!

Sorry you are having a bad week. Maybe you can increase your meds? Talk to your neuro. (((((((((BIG HUGS)))))))))

Hope your feeling better. I wish we had a magic answer for you.

I'm here because the pain woke me from sleep tonight also . . . I don't even have the answer if heat or cold packs are the answer. Does anyone else have a suggestion to that? I often lean towards heat when its cold outside and cold when hot outside, only because it feels more soothing to me . . .

Hope your feeling better today . .

Today is my day home with the kids (dont have daycare on fridays so my wife and I alternate fridays).
Im able to take an extra pill here or there. I finally got relief this morning.
The downside is my kids are super loud LOL.

Anyhow heat works best for me all the time.


Glad you finally got some relief!

Yes, heat is good for me too. I sleep with a hot water bottle under my pillow and an old cashmere sweater over my head! Hot water bottle at back of neck can help too, but not too hot.
Glad you got those extra pills in and some relief. I live alone so can control inside noise level but that has downside too.

Sorry to hear about your rough week, constant TN pain in any way shape or form is exhausting and depleting…glad you’ve found some relief, hope it lasts…heat works to take the edge off for me too…I love my magic sacks as their called…microwaveable …
The odd times I have to go out, I take those hot pockets with me and place them in a little flannel pouch my Mom made for me…works well too.
Take care, Mimi

I know when I go outside in the cold it gives me more pain. Hope you feel better soon.

Mrs. Nelson said:

Hope your feeling better. I wish we had a magic answer for you.

I'm here because the pain woke me from sleep tonight also . . . I don't even have the answer if heat or cold packs are the answer. Does anyone else have a suggestion to that? I often lean towards heat when its cold outside and cold when hot outside, only because it feels more soothing to me . . .

Hope your feeling better today . .

I am so sorry to hear about the last few days!
How are you doung now?

Getting better thanks. The weekend with kids is stressful but man can it be worth it.

Hope you all a good Sunday.