What do you guys do for this? I am not getting pain when I brush my teeth, or when I drink things. However, I am getting that feeling that you get when you have a cavity, you know, that kind of "uh-oh" feeling. Now I would think it were a cavity, if it were not on all of my teeth on the left side, top and bottom. I am so scared it is going to cause an episode. So far it has not. Any tips?
Lisa, when my tn meds failed to kill all my pain and I was having alot of pain in my teeth and jaw, I took regular old asprin and in 24 hours the pain was gone. I assume I was having inflamation of some sort and the asprin took care of it. I have not had that problem since and that has been since end of December. Check with your pharmacist first. Blessings
Lisa, My teeth have always been ultra sensitive. At the onset of TN 10 years ago, they were effected in the way you explain you're felling pain. My dentist had given me a thorough, gentle exam and said all she could determine is that the TN nerve is referring pain to my other teeth. I've had a 4 root canals & crowns to help knock down the sensitivity in the more sensitive molars. I brush with sensodine, as well as use a paste the dentist gave me to glob on at night after brushing and before the night guard goes in to place. She also gives me a desensitizer to use prior and post whitening treatments, but I use it just for the pain relief about every 2 months. The home whitening sessions are used to help me get to a place where I can replace the two front crowns someday. Those two teeth have had root canals and still hurt! She checked the front two and there isn't a root, but the referring pain is ongoing. It waxes in wanes and is tended to as it comes. My dentist is Dr. Pugh at Battle Ground Gentle Dental. She has the smallest hands, is gentle as can be and knows more about TN than some of the doctors I know! She makes an exception with me and has the hygienist use a numbing compound on my gums as she cleans my teeth. This way I can get in every 6 months as a preventive action to more pain! Plus, when she a crown, she numbs me before and then 1/2 way through the procedure because she is afraid to put me in any more pain than I've already experienced. (If you want to talk with her, she is busy, but will return your call when she is able. Just tell her I recommended you to her :-)
I brush with Sensodyne. Also, you can apply benzocaine to the gums above your aching teeth and sometimes that will calm things down.
I was so confused with my teeth feeling like I had toothaches in all my upper teeth, I went to 4 dentists before I was diagnosed. I was sure THEY were wrong. I even made one of them pull one of my teeth. Mine are also not sensitive to brushing, but if its cold out and I breathe in, it sends pain.
Paid does radiate. I still have that feeling in my teeth when I have breakthrough pain and for many years I thought it WAS my teeth. But now that none of them on my upper left side have roots - it's not my teeth. My other teeth are sensitive though. It might be the start of an attack or it might be a cavity. You can always go to your dentist and get an evaluation. Meanwhile increase your meds and see if it goes away, with your docs approval of course.
I know the fear though. What if it is an attack,? How will I deal with it. Will meds work this time? If I go to the ER will they just think I'm drugseeking?
My TN started in my teeth. It wasn't bad when I brushed, but every hot or cold item killed the top and bottom teeth on the left. At one (prior to being diagnosed) time I considered having all of my teeth taken out to stop the pain. I am glad that I didn't, since I have found out that would not have stopped the pain! In addition to my Trilepital, I take Aleve when it gets really bad. That seems to knock it down and gets me through until the next "episode." Since I have only been diagnosed for a little over three months, I am sure there are others out there with much more experience. Thoughts?