I haven't had a firm diagnosis yet but was wondering if anyone has had any cheek and gum swelling on the affected side. Inside my cheek is pretty swollen. I've had a panoramic exray and all is clear. Waiting now for an ultrasound on the soft tissue. I had an Mri and an EMG and both came back normal.
Yes. This was also my first question when I joined. My whole face and neck and ear swell when I've been in pain for days. All of my test came back normal too. But that doesn't mean anything. It only rules out other problems which is good. God's speed. I have a picture on here somewhere when my face was swollen. (after it had been going down for two days my son and husband wanted me to take a pic.?)
I have swelling in my gums and cheek also. Sometimes it is so bad that my teeth will not touch eachother on the other side. I also have TMJ now or so they say, and my jaw is really really achy. My ATN has really flared lately because of the weather here in Iowa. I have a long winter ahead of me. It is good to be on here with people that understand....
Good luck to you
Doadster, do you have any decreased sensation(numbness) on your cheek?
I was wondering because I have numbness on the right side of my tongue and that causes me to accidentally bite on my tongue frequently. Especially if I eat too fast!! But I'm sure the swelling that you have makes it worse!!
I have numbness as well pretty much on the whole right side. I hope the swelling goes away soon for you!!
Peace, Min
I have numbness too...and mine tingles...after the radiation I had this was my side effect but I wanted to try anything to get rid of the pain. Half of my tongue, nose and all of my left cheek is numb and tingly...the hurting kind. And I do have my ATN pain back too. So all the time my left side is hurting....Now they think I have TJM with it and I am thinking so too. My jaw is always popping and sounds like sand paper. This is on both sides. I am 33 and falling apart. I have severe secondary depression with this. But my Effexor that my dr put me on is really starting to work. As for taking anything for the inflammation, I dont really take anything. I have become used to at or as good as I can. All I take for ATN is Neurontin.....3600 mg a day of that.... :( I also have epilepsy too. Doadster I wish you all the luck as I do not wish this disease on anyone. It is the most horrible pain ever. I would rather have 100 babies in a row than deal with this pain. I have had the MVD done too and that lasted only a year. So my options are limited. And painkillers do nothing for me. They dont even touch the pain.
Good Luck to you and keep in touch
I had the swelling in my gums for 2 years now. When I ask the dentist if they can see it or feel it, they say NO. Over the past week I have put gel - kam a fluoride treatment on my gums and it stops the pain in its tracks. However, I still wonder what it is, how I got it and why the dentists can't feel it.
Do you have any type of cyst on your face, maybe its so small and not noticeable. I think that may be the orginal problem, in my case. I went to a ENT , some time ago and he informed of the cyst on my jawline. He said it wasn’t big enough to do anthing with it. At the time I didn’t put the two together. However, next time I see the Md again, I’ll ask if something outside your mouth can effect someting inside your mouth. Hmmm… I’m having a moment…
One year my doctor had me try a very high dosage of the steroid, prednisone, hoping that it would control the pain by keeping this inflammation in my face down. It worked wonders for the first few days. The swelling was gone & also the pain! Unfortunately, it didn’t last & I developed a skin reaction. Best wishes to you. Keeping you in my prayers.
I’m so sorry to hear about all that you’ve been through. The rash I had was primarily on my face. I had red blotches all over my face that would itch. I believe you may be right in thinking it was the drug because it is one of the side effects for some people. I’m fair skinned & my face is very sensitive. Pls keep in touch.
Hugs, Sandi
Doadster did you get the result back concerning Temporal arteritis as I have that along with TN. It is also known as GCA. I am on steroids, I stopped the TN meds, as taking both made me sick.
Good news that it was not TA, Happy New Year to you too, let us know the results.
Oh my gosh...You've been thru a lot!!!!! We haven't heard from you in awhile. I am sorry you had to go thru all of that. oh my my o.
I would think it would be a neurologist that diagnosis the TN
My pain is managed right now, but yes, the inside of my cheek is swollen. Didn’t notice until now.