I would like each of us to answer the following questions:
Approx what month did you have your very first TN attack and do you have a particular month or months
that your TN flares up.
And if you have certain times of the year that are historically your worst times, why do you think that
My first attack was in April. And my flare-ups tend to be in
late March/April and in late Sep/Oct/Nov.
I think that my sinuses are inflamed during those times of the year. My allergies are worse during those times. But I don’t know how sinus inflammation
affects the TN nerve.
First attack was in March (southern hemisphere - so Autumn / Fall here).
Cannot define a “worst” time of year - it’s all year around for me.
I have nasal cysts in the maxilliary sinus and sinusitus that drains down the back of my nasal cavities and throat instead of out my nose as it should - doctors tell me that the sinuses cannot affect the Trigeminal nerve branches - yet I notice a slight worsening of my TN when my nose is blocked up.
Hi Liz,
1-First attack was in the spring of 2002.
2-March or April in the spring and then October or November in the fall would always bring a flare up
I have had alot of allergies since tested as a kid and all through adulthood. I asked the neurologists numerous times why when my alergies and sinus problem times does this pain flareup. He said it has nothing to do with it.
My first attack was in late August. Now I can almost by-the-clock count on my attacks being in the early Spring and in the Fall around October’s end or November. My flare-ups tend to happen with stress and/or strenuous activity. I become quite anxious when the kids return to school after Summer so it tends to happen for a brief period of time around the first day of school EVERY year. Moreover, when I get any sort of cold or sinus infection causing me to cough alot tends to flare up the TN. I’m an anxious person/hyper so I tend to have multiple periods of brief flare-ups throughout the whole year long which are cohesive to stressful times in my life. I do have TN year round with 2 to 4 month periods of remission but the TN always returns.
I also have a lot of allergies. My allergist said I was allergic to everything that breathes or grows. I am thinking about taking allergy shots again. I quit the year before I got TN. But my neuro also said there is not a relationship. But it appears so far that all of us have worsening symptoms in the spring and fall. Stacy, I am also very hyper.
Connie said:
Hi Liz, 1-First attack was in the spring of 2002.
2-March or April in the spring and then October or November in the fall would always bring a flare up
I have had alot of allergies since tested as a kid and all through adulthood. I asked the neurologists numerous times why when my alergies and sinus problem times does this pain flareup. He said it has nothing to do with it.
i started with sever pain in February got diagnosed in March, april is HORRIBLE, and so it winter.
yes it does have to do with sinuses because vain wraps around my Trigeminal nerve so whenever my sinuses are inflamed at all it increases blood flow causing the vain to interact with the nerve. winter it acts up do to cold air and wind.
I had my first symptoms right after a root canal in September. The pain was quite intense over Christmas. I was diagnosed and began treatment in January. My pain seems to be related to stress, but I haven’t quite gotten my meds regulated yet, so I can’t say with any certainity. I do know that as soon as the meds begin to wear off the pain flares.
My first memorable attack (didn’t know I had TN before then and they were not as painful) was in late January of this year. In March I had another attack that lasted a good while. When it is cold and windy I tend to get more pain. Will have to see how the rest of the year goes. Hoping the summer here in California is a better season for me.
I hope the summer is better for you. It is the best time of the year for me. And I hope you are doing better now.
Enriqueta Trejo said:
Hi Liz,
My first memorable attack (didn’t know I had TN before then and they were not as painful) was in late January of this year. In March I had another attack that lasted a good while. When it is cold and windy I tend to get more pain. Will have to see how the rest of the year goes. Hoping the summer here in California is a better season for me.