Stress & TN

I asked a doctor if my tn could be exaggerated by stress he said no. It was and still is, I changed doctors.
I asked the new doctor the same she said yes. Not saying that I don’t still have pain
But since I have consciously reduced stress I have less pain. Sleeping more helps and of course avoiding
triggers lol.

Hi, my Dr absolutely says stress is a factor for me. It was explained to me as- When I am stressed and my BP goes up the vessel affecting my trigeminal is swollen and causes more pain for me. Forgive me I am not a Dr so it’s a poor description but I think you can get the gist of what I say.

I agree. My doctor said stress could be a factor, especially if the blood pressure is messing with the nerves somehow.... If BP goes up, vessels up against the nerve and freak, causing the nerve to fire. So yes, it can.

I had a very stressful job at child protective services --- pain would kill me worse during the day!

I think stress totally affects the pain. I work 10 hour days in a very stressful job and by 6:00 PM every night, I am in terrible pain. I usually spend the evening with heat packs on my neck and face for hours. Finally, at about 8 or 8:30, the pain subsides and I go to bed with almost no pain or just mild pain. I think my husband thinks I just get in pain when I come home from work. He's right, but no, he isn't the cause! One of the doctors that I have seen said stress increases the pain. One said it did not. Every doctor must be trained differently about this disorder!!!

I agree that stress may be a factor in bringing on pain. I also have high blood pressure and find that when those meds are messed with, a spike in blood pressure also coincides with TN breaking through. Stress effects blood pressure. It just makes sence to me if there is crowding of the nerve anywhere by blood vessels that pain levels may rise with blood pressure. Interesting question I always had for my Dr. but never specifically asked. I talk to his PA tonight as a follow up to a rhizotomy I had Tuesday, so I'll see what she thinks and post further.

Absolutely!!! When I get stressed out my eyes are worse, especially pain in the TN nerve over the top of my eyes. Am taking acupuncture and that really helped me get rid of stress (bad energy).

I have not asked my doc, but I am a chef instructor and when I am with my 140 students - stressed is an understatement. I am home now for winter break and can tell you it has made a definite difference already! I read a post earlier that mentioned exercising and the endorphines that are released that help pain / stress levels...I am not one to exercise when I get home - just tooooo tired, but I am going to HAVE to do this and see just what happens!

Yes stress does make TN worse since I retired I have found I big difference. Saying that the cold weather has really been bad for me I have been in terrible pain on most days. I have now purchased a Trappers hat which might make me look a bit silly, but who cares as long as I can go out sometimes.

I'll just go ahead and chime in with my stress-related issues as well. So many of my pain attacks have just come "out of the blue"--like suddenly getting Face "Taser"-ed at my L. lower gum-line, behind my L.eye , behind my nose or L. cheek. That's when I begin to get totally stressed; and with good reason. I can't say that stress, per se, is the trigger for my personal pain, but can certainly understand how it could be the trigger for many others.

Facial pain just did a number on me that for all practical purposes ruined the fun of Christmas gift shopping, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and today. I take Gabapentin 300mg as needed for both peripheral neuropathy (hands, feet calf's) and TN. It's not that effective but I do get some relief. TN, along with sudden gait and balance problems beginning in late 2008 forced me into an early, and otherwise unwise, retirement--Public speaking and required frequent air travel became too difficult in the end. Enjoy the Season Brothers and Sisters! Rick