Stabbing Temple Pains

Hi friends,

Do any of you have stabbing temple pains? I have had TN for almost 3 years and this is new for me. I have been struggling with this since just after Christmas. I am currently on meds for my TN but they don’t touch this. I wonder if it is a different issue or if the V1 never is now becoming active. I hate to go to the doctor if this is part of the TM but would also hate to miss treating this is there is a way. Let me know how you deal with this please.

My TN is mostly terrible stabbing pressure in my temple area , usually an episode starts with a deep pain in the upper jaw subtle , then builds to excruciating pain in and around the temple area then fades off into the scalp and behind my eye and cheek on the left side . This lasts 20 to 45 minutes - and can continue every 2 hrs or so all day or once in 24 hrs or go days with nothing . Very mysterious ? Almost always coincides with barometric pressure changes.

Tegretol has been helping to reduce the frequency of these and seems to cut the episodes off sooner .

For me I usually get very warm and have to go to a cool dark quiet place and just meditate and try to take my mental 'focus' off of the pain . Sometimes I even use a quick acting antihistamine nasal spray to reduce swelling in my sinuses , sometimes it helps. It can't hurt any worse than the nerve does when it fires up like that.

I have one more week till I go in for an MRI to get a look inside my head and see if there is anything to see. Might find a brain in there somewhere :oP

Try to keep positive , don't let it get you down if you can help it .

Thank you for your response. I am glad I am not alone in my temple pain. I find it some distressing. The facial pain I have learned how to live with thanks to my medications but the temple seems completely immune to those meds. I have also thought perhaps it is sinus related but have no other sinus symptoms. All the best with your MRI. I pray they find a clear image so they can proceed with confidence and help you.

VeteranInPain said:

My TN is mostly terrible stabbing pressure in my temple area , usually an episode starts with a deep pain in the upper jaw subtle , then builds to excruciating pain in and around the temple area then fades off into the scalp and behind my eye and cheek on the left side . This lasts 20 to 45 minutes - and can continue every 2 hrs or so all day or once in 24 hrs or go days with nothing . Very mysterious ? Almost always coincides with barometric pressure changes.

Tegretol has been helping to reduce the frequency of these and seems to cut the episodes off sooner .

For me I usually get very warm and have to go to a cool dark quiet place and just meditate and try to take my mental ‘focus’ off of the pain . Sometimes I even use a quick acting antihistamine nasal spray to reduce swelling in my sinuses , sometimes it helps. It can’t hurt any worse than the nerve does when it fires up like that.

I have one more week till I go in for an MRI to get a look inside my head and see if there is anything to see. Might find a brain in there somewhere :oP

Try to keep positive , don’t let it get you down if you can help it .

I spent a lot of money at an ENT Dr. before getting a good diagnosis .

It feels like pain signals are being sent to my brain through this nerve but there is a blockage and they build up like a clogged pipe.

Sounds stupid - but that is what it feels like . This is the area where the 3 branches of the 'Trig' nerve come together .

Something is going wrong there and I hope I can get it solved . I almost hope they find a tumor or a Cyst in there - something that can be removed and let me get back to normal without this looming Dragon waiting all the time to bite me.

I have temple pain, muscle spasms and intense tingling and burning. Relatively new for me too. I am getting pain around and behind my eye too. My symptoms have always stayed in the bottom two branches before this. It just keeps changing. Sorry you are dealing with this. I am on medication that has been pretty successful up until all of this started happening.

Yep I had a weird one just the other day only it was from the temple back to the ear… , on the left side of my head. It only lasted a couple of seconds…and I thought. …what now???

But I have also had jabs to my eye or my temple before too. I don’t think there is any pattern sometimes and it makes no sense other than to drive us Madd~

I had terrible crushing pain in my right temple especially but it started happening in left one too felt like some one put vice grips on my head. Was extremely scary pain.Thank goodness i don't feel it anymore cuz of my meds