Specialist in London

I was diagnosed a year ago with TN by my GP, from what I can gather from everything I've read it's Type 2. I was started off on Amitriptyline, which I lasted 3 months on before the pain increased again. I was then put onto 300mg a day of Pregabalin which for about 6 months seemed to hold most of the pain at bay. However since about December time the pain has been gradually getting worse and worse. I went back to my GP who said it's time to get me referred to a specialist.

She told me if I had anyone in mind I could let her know otherwise she had a patient she referred to a London specialist recently, she would try and refer me to the same one. I've been looking online but feel I am very much out of my depth trying to hunt for people. I've looked at the list on here which suggests 2 hospitals and one specialist. I was wondering if anyone on here had anyone else they could recommend.? I know I am invariably in for a long wait but I'm not sure I can cope with the pain for too much longer before having to give up and have yet more time off work.

Did you go to group tab for UK questions?

Also google face pain association, dr lists there too!

We've just updated the doctor's list. The following are listed for London and area:


Eastman Dental Hospital UCLH NHS Foundation Trust

Joanna M. Zakrzewska MD, FDSRCS, FFDrCSI, FFPMRCA

Guys Hospital by London Bridge

Harley Street Neurosurgeons

National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (QUEEN SQUARE)


Mr Colin Shieff, Royal Free Neurosurgeon

Thanks for the replies guys. I'm still waiting to hear back from my doctor about a referral, I've been so busy at work I haven't much chance for anything lately.

Kc Dancer: I didn't realise they were there have now asked to join a few in my area. Thanks so much for the heads up.

Red : Thanks for updating the list it's much appreciated