Sleeping vertical reduces pain?!

So last night I realized a correlation between sleeping horizontal and increased TN pain. When I sleep upright the pain is significantly decreased. Has anyone else noticed this? It makes me seriously consider the vascular issues associated with this condition…

That's interesting. I was going to ask how you sleep standing up, but then realized that even my bed has a gadget that raises the head. I haven't noticed a difference unless I sleep on the affected side of my face. I hope others chime in and give their opinions.

Hang in there,


Wow! No, I never had thought of this.

I suppose whether is would work, or not, would have something to do with the manner of compression, or the cause of the particular case of TN, or ATN.

At any rate, I'm always so glad to hear when anyone has found something that works for them, and more importantly, shares it with others.

Thank you!


I've been sleeping in my recliner for the past month or so and have noticed an improvement in pain when I wake up. Don't know if there's a correlation, but I would think that there's less pressure on the blood vessels in the brain when you're elevated. I have bilateral Atypical TN.

Yes! I sleep in my husband’s recliner when I have pain and it makes a huge difference!

Yes. When I have pain I sleep with 2 or 3 pillows instead of 1 and that helps. If I can actually lie down on my side, I have to sleep with the affected side on the pillow. If I flip over it is almost like I can feel gravity pushing on the affected side. I have to sleep with that side on the pillow, but arrange the pillow so it is touching my face as little as possible. A feather pillow helps here because you can move and reshape it. Glad it isn’t only me!


Glad to see others are able to have some decreased pain from this.

Kathy2852- I was wondering that as well about sleeping on the affected side, sometimes it helps and sometimes it makes it worse... It helps if DURING a flare but will cause a flare if one isn't going on already. Does yours do that as well or just helps all the time? I am new to this dx so still figuring out what to do with "it"... thanks!

Mine just helps all of the time. Actually, if I sleep on the side that is NOT affected, it can cause an attack. But it seems that everyone is different!

YES!!! im so glad other people have this as well, now i know im not crazy. I moved out to the recliner a few days ago. laying flat in bed was the most painful night and i ended up in the ER at 5am. I dont lay on the affected side, any little movement (like breathing) will make it flare up. and sometimes when i lay on the opposite side i feel like gavity is making my face very heavy and then it starts throbbing so alot of time i just sit there and wait to fall asleep. I can actually sleep on the recliner, only for 3 to 4 hours at a time before im awoken from pain, but when i was in the bed i couldnt even fall asleep :( I have also noticed that anytime i have my head below my heart and the blood is flowing it is outrageously painful, bending down to pick something up, putting my hair up in a towel after a shower, laying flat.

I cant sleep on the right side. Itss the worse side. I do a lot of switching to release fluid buidup. I also moisturize heavily,