Should I or Shouldn't I?

From recent posts I've reported that Carbamazepine hasn't been helping me. In fact, I've found myself extremely depressed the past week and not really wanting to eat, drink, or do much of anything. My memory has been so bad that my schoolwork is taking me twice as long to do.

I ended up calling my neuro yesterday and receiving and a phone call today from his receptionist saying that I have a script to pick up for blood work he wants me to do.

Now, I made sure she knew that I didn't have the money to see him right now but my appointment on the 22nd is being taken care of [thank you birthday money.]

Anyways, I started to do some light cleaning this morning and guess what? I'm lying in bed because it feels like my face is being stabbed.

The hospital is already looking at me like I'm crazy and disregards the attending physician advisory form.

So, I was considering asking him while I'm already in his office if there is something I can do for the pain since this medication obviously isn't working for me and I don't want to make another trip to the hospital to have them 21 question me and look at me like I have 5 noses.

Should I bring this up to him/his receptionist? Or should I just deal and try to tough it out until the 22nd?

My last attack lasted 14 days and if this one gets any worse, I'm not sure whose neck I'm going to end up breaking!!!

Oh dear, that sounds so distressing. I am so sorry that you have to deal with such pain. How much Carbamazapine are you taking? Hang in there, we are all walking this with you. Hugs, very gentle hugs to you.

Definitely call your doc and talk to the receptionist or a nurse about what is going on. If you are a patient already, there shouldn't be any reason he can't call you in something or have you pick up a script.

Hope you get some relief soon!!

I'm taking 200mg 3x a day. So 600mg a day. I guess the blood work is testing for Fibro, Tegretol level and Hypertension because my blood pressure is always so high. [I'm thinking it's from the pain, but he's thinking otherwise]. Thank you so much!

Patty said:

Oh dear, that sounds so distressing. I am so sorry that you have to deal with such pain. How much Carbamazapine are you taking? Hang in there, we are all walking this with you. Hugs, very gentle hugs to you.

According to what my gp has told me you could increase your meds. Definitely check with your doctor first. My doc would like me to be at 800 mg a day but I am currently only taking 400mg. I am trying to tough it out but think I may need to increase soon. I also have fibro but the pain of the TN takes my mind off the fibro. I will pray that you find relief soon.

Will your family doctor ring on your behalf? Mine has often rung specialists to discuss treatment, medication etc in between appointments. Alternatively your doctor may be able to get you an earlier appointment with the neuro.

Sorry you are in so much pain, it sounds terrible.

Just a thought.
