
Please help, I see my Neuro doc tmrw. This is the longest bout (7 weeks) I have ever had with TN. I am a really good person & don't know why God is punishing me with this pain.

I have been dealing with pain for about the same amount of time as you. And I have had similar thoughts. Feeling plain worn out and struggling to reconnect with the smiling, happy, optimistic person I am. Just keep praying and this too shall pass. I wish you the best...

Juliet, Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I have postponed social events lately because of this. I want to be my happy, confident self again. This bout has beat me to a pulp.


Juliet said:

I have been dealing with pain for about the same amount of time as you. And I have had similar thoughts. Feeling plain worn out and struggling to reconnect with the smiling, happy, optimistic person I am. Just keep praying and this too shall pass. I wish you the best...

I'm sorry you are going through this. I know it is hard but God is not punishing you. I was a mental health counselor and felt I was helping others and now I can't even help myself. Whenever I have these thoughts I remember the verse that promises "All things work together for good to those that love God." I have struggled for a long time trying to figure out how this disease could work out for any good and I have learned several things. First I have found this site and I work as hard as I can to encourage others. (Although they often encourage me more) Second in one of my many MRI's they did a body scan and found a cyst on my pancreas. I do not know if it is cancer yet but I know they would never have found it without the scan because I have no symptoms. The last thing is most important to me-I am loved and cared about. So many people have sent me emails and texts and told me they were praying for me. I had no idea many of these people cared. So when you are down just remember to pray-God does care and does love you and so do many others!

7 weeks?? Oh Juliet I’m so sorry hon. I’m on day 11 and thought this was bad. I know one thing for sure though Juliet, God is not punishing you, he doesn’t do that. We are organic and things go wrong, it doesn’t mean God made them go wrong, they just do. He is there though for you to cry out to, to lean on and faith is always good for the spirit. Nothing puts me in a better mood than listening to Third Day and just getting lost in the songs… I hope your situation improves rapidly Juliet and I know if anything we have to be thankful for it’s this group of people that support one another.