Im sad


Hi Lisa,

Sorry to hear you are feeling sad, i am sending you a BIG healing cuddle.


when I get that way I have to just ask God to hold me thru it & TrY to remember that it will eventually pass. I’m so sorry. glad you let us know, so we can be strong when youre not & hopefully we can help you hang on one more day.

I think the sadness is as hard to bear as the pain, which is also awful. Keep posting here Lisa, we care and wish we could help more.

sending love xx

Hi Lisa, welcome to the club, sometimes talking about it to people who understand helps, although I know there are many who don't, but we know what it's like since most of us usually feel the same way. Praying works for me most of the time.

I'm sorry, Lisa. Grief seems to be such a part of living with TN. It's not like you can just mourn, and the situation gradually is softened by time. Each day there are little deaths to the way things used to be, and with each change, there comes a new time to mourn. I don't think we can get around that. It is part of living with a chronic condition. It doesn't mean there are not good days or wonderful moments of pure joy, but this part of TN simply stinks. I'm so sorry.