I have issues on my second TN branch, which leaves me with a mild lip tingling, upper front tooth sensitivity, plus some discomfort on my upper-nostril-cheek area.
At times when it gets bad the eye lid (first branch) tingles and the lower canine teeth (third branch) get sensitive.
I have pain when I touch my zygomatic bone, and when I press hard enough it can produce the tongue burning, cheek burning sensation I get sometimes, and my TMJ is sore and hurts when pressed.
At times I also feel tingling on the right side and odd sensations (bilateral) but it's less often.
I saw an ENT, GP, Neurologist, Dental surgeon and none have told me it's TN1 and when I mention ATN they say its rare.
I also have MRI fiesta which shows nothing.
My pain migrates around, it doesn't stay put on one nerve branch affected.
I was checked for TMJ but my jaw doesn't click and I can open my mouth normally.
checking the internet I have found the possibility of myofascial pain syndrome on mastication muscles and indeed have some tension there. I also found that stretching my neck calms my face a bit.... I also found ATN patients here in some posts claiming their muscles are tight. but let's be honest....
The info on ATN all over the net is ridiculously and embarrasingly limited. (burning, tingling sensation on the face which supersedes the stabbing pain of TN1 and that's about it even mayo clinic offers this limited information or TN.org.uk)... well that doesn't do it for me...
I've heard TMJ (which I don't seem to have) intermingles with ATN, others say no it doesn't, I also heard conflicting info such as ATN happens AFTER TN1, basically TN1 morphs into ATN as the nerve gets worse and the pain free intervals become less and less.... I also heard it's a neuropathy, others say it's not a neuropathy, others say it affects their ears but there is no Trigeminal nerve around there, others say there is, others say it's pre-TN, others say Pre-TN no longer is accurate, others say TN2 no longer is accurate but ATN is good, others say ATN is rubbish and useless as a diagnosis... basically it's enough conflicting information to drive a sufferer SUICIDAL!!!
A diagnosis of..... Atypical nerve irritation on the trigeminal nerve DOESN'T DO IT FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE SUFFERING.... it really doesn't!!! It's almost depressing how little information there is on ATN
I was wondering if they have found some connection between ATN (without any stabbing pain) and myofascial issues on the face, or structural problems on the joints of the face. (If so I can at least take a path and investigate to see if that is my cause)
I read ATN people say myofascial therapy help them massively but then on other sites they say such thing doesn't exist!!
Honestly.... it's like the most orphan of all conditions... At least TN1 gets all the press, but ATN is so ignored!