Ramping up

I guess the last few days of vague face pain, headiness and dizziness and nausea, was a warning of what was to come.
My teeth were feeling quite achey first thing today, the pain focus being a tooth which is no longer there, was removed a few years ago, phantom tooth pain.
Then the stabs and jabs started, now the burning cheek.
Ear pain, tinnitus, and everything that comes with that has become much worse.

Have meds will medicate…

I hope this doesn’t last too long, I have a wedding to go to.

I hope it gets better soon. Sometimes we do get the warnings.

The tooth is gone, but the nerve is still there. I have a tooth that had a root canal done on it and it still feels like it is alive. TN tooth pain at it’s infamous best. :frowning:

I’m Much better today, thanks for all your thoughts and shares, it really does help.
I guess it could be back tomorrow or even later today, but for now it has mellowed, so I’ll live for this moment.