Quick Blog Post Tonight

I write in red when I am angry... 2 days ago I was in a car accident and was T-Boned by some skanky cow that thought she was all that and some more with a ciggy hanging out of her prune-faced mouth... she didnt even get out of the car to inspect damage... She did however try and hit me and i had to quickly duck and move my head... Guess what...NON STOP TERRIBLE PAINS TO THE LHS OF FACE... I always had the burning sensations and then the occassional attacks of stabbing pains like electrical shock waves... today I had those electrical shockwaves ON BOTH SIDES OF THE FACE... I mean how much medication can we take before we have to look outside the box and see... I have had to turn to opiates and Valium. I am a martyr... I will cry and try and meditate till I pass out from the pain... Today my mother bursted into tears... She isnt the kind of woman that cries often... She is a retired nurse and she just couldnt take watching my pain anymore... I have taken enough opiates to kill a horse and I am sitting here still with tears rolling down my face...

Centrelink (Social Security to all you good citizens of USA) is saying that i am viable to work 8 hours a week and are playing around with my head so I give up and just get a job... I refuse to play their game and I WILL NOT STOP till they approve my disability... its funny my pharmacist told me today if my GP wrote on my file I had Epilepsy I would be saving myself almost $200 a month in medication costs... What a joke... TN is becoming just as common as Epilepsy and yet they get their meds for $5.60 on special Government Authority Scripts. What is the world coming to seriously???

I get so frustrated with this pain... Today when it came on I was driving, I pulled over and cried and got so angry I screamed so loud that I scared some children walking past on the footpath... I am seeing Mr Danks on Monday luckily but I tell you what... now I know why they nickname TN the suicide disease... I know this year hasnt been my year. Broken engagements, having $$ stolen from my accounts, my ex being on the holiday I PLANNED AND PAID FOR... I quit my job as he said he wanted to take care of me, loosing not ONE but TWO cats this year to being used as speed humps by careless drivers... a car accident the other day... seriously, if I need good news soon... I am not usually negative, its this TN that makes me so negative... it changes my moods, I swing moods from the meds more than a menopausal woman (trust me I live with one right now so I can use that analogy!! I just want to sleep, thats all... day and night - its the only time I am at peace... I dream of no pain and I am floating above everyone... doing the breast stroke in the warm summer breeze and I am smiling and am happy... I thought that the antidepressants they put us on for nerve pain were meant to actually work as ANTI DEPRESSANTS or are we so far gone nothing works for our moods? I have been referred to a psychologist but knowing him he wont know what TN is either and I will have to waste time and be frustrated again explaining from scratch... its just so frustrating... Today I couldnt even do my yoga as putting my head down (downward dog) was setting of such bad pains, I couldnt even meditate today...

OK thats my ear bashing to all for the night... I need more painkillers and a good sleep...

*breathing in and out slowly*

Nite all xxx

Dear Izabella,

I'm so sorry you're having such a disgusting year!!! I also had a car accident in early February, but it was a 3 roll over after hitting a snow bank because the freakin' snow plows didn't plow the street enough and was forced off the road by other traffic. The car was totalled and I as hanging upside-down sideways for 20 minutes while the fire department personnel tried to figure out how to get me out. They finally smashed the wind shield, cut the seat belt and dropped me on my head!!! Thanks guys, for causing more injury than the accident did!!!

That was bad enough, but to be T-boned by an idiot would make me insane!!! I'm so sorry. And the rest of you experiences are heartbreaking. I have 13 cats and 3 dogs and I would be in a very, very angry state of grief if I had to deal with what you have. And the men???...well, in my opinion that's always going to end badly.

Please know I'm thinking about you and beaming healing energy at you. Hope you can feel it. Don't hesitate to vent on our group...I am a big fan of venting. I think it's healing to just let it all out. We're here for each other!!!

((( Hugs )))



I was reared in 2009 by a non-licensed person (we can leave it at that) resulting in a 24\7 migraine as the impact exasterbated the TN. Physical Therapy evetually released the migraine; but it was a long haul with the sharp pains on the side of my face from time to time jolting directly into the migraine. I couldn't even get granted a temporary disabilility from work - imagine that ---- I work on a computer 8 hours a day and taught a 3 day class every month.....focus on my job was a wonderful way to spend my day. Housework was still my responsibility....as this was not a 'visual' injury. Izabella I feel your pain, and I wish you the best and hope you will find relief shortly.