I'm Still Alive ;)

For those of you that were worried about my last post, I apologize.

I finally had the guts to go back into the hospital and something was finally done about the situation but I'm not sure whether to be happy or concerned. The doctor spoke with my neurologist and they came to an agreement to take me off of Carbamazepine due to the negative side effects I was having at such a low dose. They gave me pain medications, 8 pills, to "last" me. and no treatment was actually done while I was there.

My neurologist said that until I can see him consistently, there's nothing for me to take.

So I'm back to square one. No anticonvulsant, no pain medication, just TN.

I'm glad to be off of the medication, but worried about how bad this is going to get for me.


thanks for caring and thanks for listening, always.

There are at least 50meds left to try - not all anti-convulsants

Can you start over with a new doctor?

You have to read all things medication in the face pain tab -- OR get the book Striking Back by Dr. Ken Casey!

I was concerned thanks for coming back here - and keep asking questions - we can help!

Taylor, please, please write to Red Lawhern, you can find him on the black header in the MODERATOR HALL OF FAME. Make him aware of your circumstances and ask him for his advice. The advice KC has given you is excellent also. I am glad you came back to let us know how you are. Your words sent a very cold sword through my heart on Friday evening ( UK time) when I was about to go to bed. There is ALWAYS a better way. Stay strong and I hope for better for you soon.

Hello Taylor Rose, I’m happy your okay! I don’t know much about the U.S. medical system. But, I’m wondering if you need to have surgery! Are you on medication because if you dont have insurance in the U.S. it’s just too expensive to have surgery? Please tell me.
Hugs Sally

So glad you are ok! I believe KC gave the best advice. And also, message Red.