Firstly i'm glad i've found this site - it looks like a really great collection of people!
Secondly i wonder if anyone could answer my question - I'm now constantly worried about it!
I went to the neurologist for what seems to be TN (worrying enough- i've had it for about a year now) but now i read on the internet that anyone with TN who is under 30/40 is likely to have MS!!
My son is 10 years old, he has TN, and does not have MS. I don't know the statistics on this; others on this site are very knowledgeable and will probably know, but it is not a definite thing! They will probably have you get an MRI to look for MS, but it is NOT a given. Hang in there! Laurin
I was 32 at the onset of my TN. I have TN1. I do not have MS.
Have you gotten a MRI done? A MRI would show lesions on the brain. I have a friend who has MS and she kept falling down and the MRI confirmed the brain lesions. I think there are other test but no doctor has every supsected me of having MS as well.
I am 34 and have TN and I do not have MS. I have been doing research online about this and I think sometimes that doing research online makes me paranoid that something else could be wrong too. I am glad I found this site! It is so nice to be able to find people that can understand what we are going through.
Good Morning! I know that fear, but try not to worry yourself, many of us under 30/40 do not have MS. I am 31 and do not have MS. I’ll be thinking of you and hoping you have a nice relaxing weekend. Take care,