Going to see a second Neuro./Testing for MS

When I was initially diagnosed with TN, the neurologist did not do an MRI or anything other than an office visit. Perhaps bloodwork, but I can't remember. I was in too much pain and had more than one doctor's appointment at the time. Someone took my blood.... Anyway, I am concerned about the possibility of having MS, even though at fifty, I am a little old for a diagnosis like that. My concern lies in the cognitive problems and muscle jerks I have been having. I am not sure they are even an MS symptom? Additionally, what should I expect from a neurologist, if he does test for MS? Is dizziness/off balance a symptom? Or is that also just a symptom of TN? I have an eye appointment coming up as well. My eyes hurt and get blurry. Anyway, not sure if my questions make sense, but just not sure if my initial exam was okay, or if I should expect more.

Don't panic...they have plenty of treatments for MS these days as well as medication and lifestyle managment techniques so that even if you do have it, you can manage it. It could be something else. Whatever it is, try to get hooked up with the appropriate organization for information. Knowledge is power! I've had MS for over 30 years and also have TN (just lucky, I guess). But I use the MSAA.org or NMSS.org for info. Good luck and keep us posted.


Lois, LOL...well, good that you have a sense of humor! That is probably why you are still plugging along. Not sure I am nervous about the thought of MS, since I would have thought that they would have said something at the initial visit if they thought so. More concerned about not getting good medical care. I've had an autoimmune disease for the last umpteen years, and it took forever to diagnose. Not good doctor memories. Thank you, though, for the encouragement. It does make me feel better even if this is just autoimmune related in another way.

Hi I am 35 with two young girls and recently (within 2 months) diagnosed with ms. I actully got my diagnosis through a nearly year long adventure of severe tn and vertigo. So I totally understand your anxiety. I know you posted this a while ago. How did it go? Just an FYI I was given my diagnosis of ms via an MRI as well as a spinal tap. The tap looks for certain proteins in the fluid they take. If you do have ms I guess the best “advice” I can offer is to find a good doc and a good medication. New ones are coming out all the time.