New Neuro, more tests

My regular doctor sent me to a new neuro. I don't know if she meant it to be a neurosurgeon or not but thats where I ended up. I think she hoped he could do the gamma or cyber and stop my pain. Instead he says I am not a candidate for any of it. He thinks my TN is not a primary diagnosis but a symptom of a larger problem. He believes it is either MS or one of a number of demeylination diseases. He is sending me in for MRIs of my brain and spine. He also diagnosed me with Hoffmans and said my muscles are not reacting as they should. All I know is the spasms are happening more and are more severe and my headaches have also increased in recent weeks. My balance also seems to have gone to crap.

Hes sending me to a regular neurologist and depending on what the scans show he also wants a lumbar puncture.

this neurosurgeon is treating you aggressively; hang on to him. i always measure the merit of a practitioner by how willing they are to go diagnostically; a lumbar puncture is the real deal. your spinal fluid tells a detailed story about the biochemistry of your body; if there's something to be found, it will likely show up there.

good luck,


I will hang on to him. I found out he is basically doing a MRI of my entire CNS atleast thats what the nurse made it sound like. I experienced a new nerve pain yesterday, It felt exactly like TN but was on the outside of my right knee and lasted about 4hrs.