Has anyone gone to get the results from their MRI and find out they have MS? I am worried i may find this out when I go for my results on Monday....or is this result not very common?
i know its more common in men then women. You look too young. I seriously doubt you have ms but you sound like me i always stress about the unknown. Do you have problems with your legs and arms?
Yes i have jerky movements with my hands and legs but I am hoping it's a side effect of the tegretol I'm on? I just had my MRI on Tuesday and they want me in on Monday to get the results.....it's going to be a long weekend wait for Monday to get this over with!
There is an increased risk of MS in younger TN patients, and it can be the first symptom, so an MRI is a good idea.
I have multiple brain lesions of varying ages on every MRI I get. They aren't in the right place for MS, and no one seems to know what is causing them, so I don't worry too much. The first time I saw one I thought, "OMG I have a tumor!" but now I play "Find the lesion" with the doctor. I'm getting good at finding the smaller ones first.
I wouldn't worry much about the results this weekend, there is all sorts of crazy crap going on in our brains that looks weird but doesn't cause disease.
I've been going through the same thing as well. From my research and experience, I have learned that diagnosing MS often takes multiple tests (MRI's, Spinal Taps, etc..) and sometimes years. Also your DR should be preforming tests to rule out other diseases and conditions that mimic MS symptoms (Lyme Disease, Lupus, etc...). Normally MS "lesions" will appear in your brain in specific areas and patterns. This is not always conclusive. Like TN, MS can appear and progress differently for everyone. The most common early signs of MS are numbness, tingling, vision problems, fatigue, muscle spasms, heat intolerance, and in a small percentage of people- TN. I have all of these symptoms and 5-6 T2 hyperintense lesions present on my MRI. My Neuro is repeating an MRI in DEC to see if these lesions change or if new ones develop. Also he is checking my C and T spine to look for lesions on my spinal cord. The moral of the story is... Don't worry yourself sick until you know exactly what is going on. Diagnosing MS can be a LONG arduous process. Use the internet to research and educate yourself on the topic, don't be afraid to ask questions. I'm always here if you want to chat.
SarahLinnW said:
I've been going through the same thing as well. From my research and experience, I have learned that diagnosing MS often takes multiple tests (MRI's, Spinal Taps, etc..) and sometimes years. Also your DR should be preforming tests to rule out other diseases and conditions that mimic MS symptoms (Lyme Disease, Lupus, etc...). Normally MS "lesions" will appear in your brain in specific areas and patterns. This is not always conclusive. Like TN, MS can appear and progress differently for everyone. The most common early signs of MS are numbness, tingling, vision problems, fatigue, muscle spasms, heat intolerance, and in a small percentage of people- TN. I have all of these symptoms and 5-6 T2 hyperintense lesions present on my MRI. My Neuro is repeating an MRI in DEC to see if these lesions change or if new ones develop. Also he is checking my C and T spine to look for lesions on my spinal cord. The moral of the story is... Don't worry yourself sick until you know exactly what is going on. Diagnosing MS can be a LONG arduous process. Use the internet to research and educate yourself on the topic, don't be afraid to ask questions. I'm always here if you want to chat.
I got the MRI results back and it shows no compressions....which i was not surprised...most of us don't get an MRI that shows TN. But it did show 5 white lesions on my brain. They are sending me for another MRI in a few months to look for changes. They tell you not to worry but this just makes me worry more about the chances of me finding out I have MS...I know worrying does not help anything but I am so concerned about this changing my whole life if this is what i find out. How did you make out with you December's MRI Sarah?
I was worried about MS too. I am a 32 year old woman, and results came back negative.
Keep in mind that MS is not the devastating disease it has been in the past. There are many treatments available and people with MS lead very typical lives.
My MRI also showed lesions on the brain, but I was told these often happen for no apparent reason, try not to worry too much and come back and talk xxx
Are people with TN more likely to get MS than people who don't have TN? How are they related?
Shindig I am also on steroids for an auto immune problem Temporal Artritis which can also cause blindness due to inflammation. My Neuro thought this inflammation may have had an impact on the Trig nerve. I was told lesions on the brain can happen for many reasons and it is often no cause for concern.
Temporal Artritis was diax through a blood test it showed high levels of inflammation. I had TN shocks and then headaches and the blood test showed Temporal Artritis. As they were just 6 weeks apart they may be linked. I may have had grumbling TA for some time. They did an MRI to rule out a tumour. Thankfully they found nothing but the lesion.