Post nerve block day 11

OK so I had a nerve block 10 days ago. It hurt really bad, soon after I got nausea, headache and pain got worse. Then it got better.. Then worse again. The next ten days my face burned and ached and throbbed. So about an hour ago I was being bitter and thinking negative things as usual when I realized... My pain has subsided like 30%!!! I couldn't believe it! I thought the neurologist was another quack.. I am so adamant in thinking nothing works but let me tell you, its clear when it does

After a week of thinking of placebo effects and general medicine I realize my facial trauma caused some whiplash and it really adds on to my facial pain through my occipital nerve. Oh yes I forgot to mention the nerve block was for my occipital nerve or however you spell it. So yes I feel a little better and my face still hurts but I'm not in extreme frustration and negativeness of having a headache on top of stripping pain on my cheek.

So all in all I recommend checking that out because it may at least help with some headaches which disabled me more than I thought. And I may be writing too soon but it was such a dramatic drop in pain for me not too notice. Not yet manageable as we know its a big tank, but a big help. Or I am in full fledged placebo mode. But really try a nerve block occipital if you and your doctor talk about it and stuff

So I'll check back in to see if it continues to help further or if it even stays

Thermotronica, wow! I hope it continues! Any reduction in pain is awesome!
Sorry you had to feel so awful before you got the relief, was this your first nerve block? I’ve never had one…could it get even better?
Please keep us updated , sending positive vibes!
Mimi :slight_smile:

You've had it so rough lately ---- hope you can enjoy something out of the norm this weekend that you haven't been able to tolerate!

Hey Thermo, it’s great to hear some good news from you! I also saw in another discussion that you’re up to 1000 carbamazepine and that’s helping too. 30% is huge in terms of pain in a day. Sounds like it was somewhat tortuous to begin with but is settling in.

Also good to hear you recognized your negative thought pattern and stopped it long enough to recognize that something new and good was actually happening. Getting a gripe our thought patterns is half the work. I almost wrote " half the battle" there but I want to stay away from words like that. Who wants to be in battle with their own mind processes. Why not just recognize that we want to change them and then work on it.

If you look at KayMay’s discussion of cerviogenic headaches and read the two really useful links Mimi posted there, you will have an “Ah-Ha” moment about your headaches and injury. Convergence is an important pain issue to understand.

Occipital nerve block is on my list of possibilities. As well as Botox.

So please do keep us posted. Also about the anxiety and negative thought processes and how you are working with those as well.

Peace and Happiness


Keep thinking positive thoughts. Relief! So happy for you.