PHTN, Dry Eyes, Glaucoma, Steroids

I have PHTN with eye pain, my eyes are extremely sensitive. I was put on an antibiotic eye cream and steroid eye drops (Lotomax). After 4 weeks on it I developed glaucoma in my right eye. (I do have a BIG family history of glaucoma). So now I'm tapering off the Lotomax and have started Restasis. I tried Restasis in April and it burned so bad I stopped. A new eye doctor advised I start it but put it in the refrigerator before using. Much better!! I also do hot compresses, steam vaporizers, Thera Tears eye drops, and thermo-eyes eye goggles. Also 2000 mg/day fish oil and a mediterranian diet.

Have any of you with eye pain tried Lotomax and did it raise your eye pressure? Did it go down when you stopped? Do those of you with very sensitive eyes like mine have any advice for dry eyes and sensitivity? I'm getting my eyes dilated in 2 weeks and am petrified, as last time I had that done I saw the next day white light over everything, patterns in my eyes when closed, white curtains falling down on my eyes, and had such extreme sensitivity to light that I lived in a dark house (covered windows) for about 6 months. It took 2 years before I could look at a full moon (really).

Thanks - Susan in the Dry, High, Windy Desert