Anti-Inflammatory Eye Drops?

I have extremely dry eyes from living in a windy desert and also having PHTN. My opthamologist is wary of giving me any anti-inflammatory eyes drops due to the PHTN. What eye drops do you all use? I think (hope!) that I am in remission now (after a 3 year descent into hell) as I haven't had any TN pain in my eyes, face, or teeth for a few months (just once a nerve pain on top of my right eyeball, that's it). I use lots of moisturing eye drops, I think 10 years of my blood pressure medicine also brought on the dry eyes (I switched medicines last month). The oil in my eyes is located under the lower eyelids and is not rising to cover the eyes. I use warm compresses, eyelid massage, nothing brings the oil over the eyelids. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I cannot read, watch TV or be the computer very much and I am so limited on what I can do. Oh to be able to read a book! Thanks from Susan