Pain in the back on left side - Please Help


I am suffering pain in the back on left side starting from Shoulder. I have TN on the left side from the last 4 years and am on medication. Of lately, my left side nerve is paining and going down all the way to shoulders and back. I cannot move due to this. Have applied muscle relaxant cream but no improvement.

Please help me in letting know that is the pain due to TN or is it something else.

Hi Khushi,

Whilst I can’t say it isn’t something else, with TN pain it is not uncommon for it to be actually caused by the neck. TN left side, neck shoulder pain left side, quite possibly a single cause which could be good news. The trigeminal nerve pathways extend down into the mid neck, disruption at this end can cause facial pain, and indeed shoulder neck pain. As the neck end is mechanical and hence open to considerable disruption: trauma (even dental), posture and stress I would suggest anyone with TN look into it as a cause, at the very least to discount it before any intervention.

Thanks for the information.

Yes, shoulder and back pain are a big part of my life.I control this with Chiro gentle treatments and I have just had botox injections into the muscles in my neck. I had gpn nerve cut many years ago now. No joy for me. At present the pain has spread all through my gums on the left so prob Tn involvement. Heat packs ease the shoulder muscles slightly to get to sleep. Cheers WW Cary on

Thank you for the suggestion. Will try Heat packs to get some sleep.